Hello growers, one of my babies started getting these yellow burnt dots on them leaves. Anyone know what’s wrong
Looks a lot like calcium deficiency.
It does seem to be a calcium def. I’m not using any chemicals on them. Only organic nutes. My first attempt at a living soil. I’ve given them some organic liquid fertilizer and top dressed them yesterday with some good goods like compost,worm casting, bone meal, blood meal. Hopefully that fixes the issues.Necrosis is what that is called, it's calcium deficiency usually. As @Jjgrow420 stated it could be pH or you may need to increase base nutrient strength in my opinion. I think you're using rice hulls? Are you fertilizing them with liquid fertilizer or?
Just went through this almost thought your pics were mine! It was indeed a calcium Def. For me. Lol
They look good!hope you fixed your issue! I made some organic liquid fertilizer. Separate NPK. And I’m excited to be introducing IMO in to the organic grow soon. Hopefully tomorrow.
but this how the ladies look now.
they’re in mid way flowering