
I just happen to notice while I went out to check on how my plant was doing, and on one the leafs, there was so yellow dust on it? I'm not sure what it was so I tried to like gently slide it off with my finger (not sure if that was a good idea or not), but if its not anything, bad I wanna assume it's just some pollen. cause I've been noticing pollen season seems to be comming back, and theres a lot everywhere. the thing is.. its not like some light yellow. its like pure yellow looking powder.

This just has me concerned a bit. and was wondering if anyone could give me an explanation, help me not be so worried if its nothing to worry about?

kbo ca

Active Member
look on your plants for male parts. They look like little banana pods where your calyx and pistil pre flowers should normally be. If you find some remove them immediatley. Spray a rag with plain water and wipe off any pollen you see on you plant leaves, water kills pollen. After checking thoroughly, if you don't find any male parts, you might have a neighbor with a male plant that is spreading the pollen. Hope this helps.


you think you can link me a pic of this? I'm not exactly sure what your talking about, im pretty new to growing, and do you mean wipe down the leave with pollen?


Well-Known Member
Pollen is typically a yellow dust that's actually very fine....look just above the leaf you found it on, you'll find a pod that burst.....pollen drifting from only a few feet away is so minute that it's virtually undetectable....


well on my plant, along the stem there are like these tiny looking leafs that all up and down the plant, are you saying I should take this out of the plant? or just the pod that has busted open?


well I only have 1 plant growing, its not like I have 20. Just one, by himself or her. and I rid the pollen off it, like you said with the towel and water. and I looked for a busted pod? and There isnt even any pods on the plant yet. so I wanna say it might have been a bee, trying to get some pollen from my plant? and just left some pollen from where he may have sat? do you think this could be a possibility


there is nothing on my plant that looks anything like this on, between these two pictures. yet. because i see no male seeds growing, and there are no female parts either so i will let yall know more as it grows bigger


Well-Known Member
males do not grow seeds. they grow pollen sacks, that release yellow dust pollen that fertilizes a female causing her to be impregnated with seeds. you got any pics?


oh ok I understand now, and yeah I got some pics I took a couple days ago but I'll take some new fresh ones tomorrow for you guys to look at.

kbo ca

Active Member
this is NOT true. Water simply helps keep it from spreading. It rains outside and plants still pollenate each other...
water does kill pollen. Just like you said it keeps it from spreading which means the same as deactivating it. I know it rains outside but not for a plants entire life without interuption. if it did rain non stop plants would not be able to pollinate eachother.


Active Member
if you see yellow dust, pollen is coming from somewhere. They can blend in really well, pollen sacs literally looks like tiny bananas.


Well-Known Member
umm idk where anyone herd males dont produce seeds a buddy had male buds and they had seeds dude knocked em all out then rolled a j and the whole time pop pop n headache after