yellow fan leaves.please help.


is my plant dying or harves near i just flushed them with the sleddgehammer. my meedium os faox farm soil/nutes. whats wrong with the babie


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Can't see the picture, I'm by far an expert. A plants fan leaves may start to turn yellow due to its stage in life. Perhaps it may have recently required slightly stronger nutrients but seeing as you have started flushing, visually you must believe that the plant almost ready for harvest. If so I would ask myself a few questions inspect and react accordingly.

Has growth significantly slowed ?
Is the flower starting to turn yellow?
Are the calyxes still swelling ?
Is the yellowing consistent throughout all the fan leaves?
Location of the yellowing ?
Has the yellowing started suddenly and very recently?

My guess is that the plant nearing the end of its cycle is pushing itself to mature using up as much nutrients as it can, if growth is still occurring at an acceptable pace, I would continue to flush keeping a close eye on the growth rate and flower colouration.
Bud still swelling and looking sweet n green bash on.

On the other hand if the growth has slowed and perhaps the bud is becoming discoloured I would hold off flushing hit them with more nutrients and monitor growth.
Water them as per usually maybe giving them slightly stronger nutrients and when they're happy you can try flushing them again the problem is that they may have been suffering a deficiency a while before you started flushing.

Could mention a few other common problems but do not think its necessary, from what you stated.

I personally have harvested plants without flushing and do not think it is as big a deal as some people make out, often only 3-7 days but I usually go hydro.

Peace, keep it green