yellow fan leaves?


Active Member
Hello all,I am a newbie to this site.and have a problem i cant solve.i have 12 spacequeen in ground outdoors the PH avg. 6.6-7.0,im feeding them floranova,floralicious plus and liquid koolbloom.following the GH schedule.using well water with a ppm around 220.they are in 2nd week of flower. The problem is my lower and middle leaves( leaves)are yellowing and they have a slight orangish tint and then just die off.I'm pulling dead leaves off on a daily basis. dont think it's a cal/mag issue because im using well water.dont think its a sulpher issue there is no purpling of the leaf i grew these from clones and never had this problem in my indoor grow so im kinda baffled.if it was a nitrogen issue wouldnt it affect all the leaves?it seem i had this problem when i was feeding it floranova grow which has plenty of nitrogen.



Well-Known Member
The best range for nutrients to be absorbed is between a pH of 6 and 7 and a (TDS) range of 800 to 3000 PPM.


Well-Known Member
This is fairly common during flowering. How much longer?
Maybe feed a little more all depending on how long your going
or whatever~


Active Member
well i will try giving her a little more N. and nutes and see where that goes. mr ghetto,they are in 2nd wk of flower and actually started before flower.Thank You!! guys for the advice