Yellow ish burnmarks **PICS**


i found these random yellow burn marks on my plants..

can't figure it out it isnt everywhere just on like 2 leaves of one plant

im running 2 LED UFO Growlights

and Co2

watering every other day. water treated and Ph'd correctly to 6.0 from fish tank with Co2 infused in water.

and using water with Kangaroot and age old grow maybe every 2 weeks. veeerryy rare.


also my bottom set of leaves are drooping if anyone has an aswer to that let me know. with either watering or not watering at all they stay low.. they're green but just drooping the rest of the leaves perk up when watered and droop when not.


thanks a ton guys :weed:


Active Member
Are you in bloom? If not, you should up pot.

What veg. nutes did you use?

Roots don't use CO2.


Active Member
definitely time to think about transplanting, you will probably find that the roots are beginning to circle. Chances are some new healthy soil in a bigger pot will right any mineral/nutrient deficiencies that are ACTUALLY happening, if they are. If it stops or only happens to those older leaves, just remove them and that will make it easier to see if it is a persistent problem (IE it will appear on leaves you didn't remove). If you aren't using a preventative for bugs, it might not be a bad idea to grab a loop or scope to see if you're culturing something besides plants.
Relax. Good luck.

Also watering every other day may be overkill, water only when the plant needs it (shows water-stress signs, or if the plant/pot is light when lifted, heck drag a scale in and you can easily tell once you know how heavy it is fully watered) LEDs should yield a much cooler room than most, what temps you running?
I do LED + t5 and I keep it around 85F and the only things getting watered every 2nd day are in AIRPOTs, which have fans blasting them. Regular solid side pots like yours get watered every 4-5 days at said temps. Granted the soil mix makes a big difference, looks like you have a nice high perlite ratio. Air the pots light to the heft at 2 days when you water?


they're decently light. they actually fell off being watered the same day since i started just feeling the moistness of the soil waiting to water.

temp right now is around 82-85 its getting hot over here but air circulation is good. its host hot in my entire house.

ill go buy some bigger pots asap and swap them over. that should help it. i was hoping these pots would be big enough but they arent as tall as i want them to be more stout but thats waht you get with panama DC


Active Member
Are you in bloom? If not, you should up pot.
What veg. nutes did you use?

Roots don't use CO2.
due respect where deserved, I was seconding sencha on the call to transplant
If you have room shoot for 2-4 gallon container if you have time to veg. 1--2 gall if you are itching to start photoperiod (flowering via 12/12)