Yellow Leafs Falling Off

can anyone help me i have a 2ft tall purple mr nice and since the flowering cycle all the leaves are turning yellow then fallin the time i finish flowering im pretty sure theyll be no leaves left is this a problem ???i do givit fertilizers fox farm tiger bloom gradually so i dont think its nitrogen:confused:


Well-Known Member
can anyone help me i have a 2ft tall purple mr nice and since the flowering cycle all the leaves are turning yellow then fallin the time i finish flowering im pretty sure theyll be no leaves left is this a problem ???i do givit fertilizers fox farm tiger bloom gradually so i dont think its nitrogen:confused:
Pics. would help? What leaves? Bud/Fan? I had leaves slowly turn yelow and fall off all the way through my bloom phase with no problems. Give us more info. I'm a noob but other will help you if you put the pics. up.


Well-Known Member
can anyone help me i have a 2ft tall purple mr nice and since the flowering cycle all the leaves are turning yellow then fallin the time i finish flowering im pretty sure theyll be no leaves left is this a problem ???i do givit fertilizers fox farm tiger bloom gradually so i dont think its nitrogen:confused:
TigerBloom does not have enough N in it, this is a common problem for FF users...add GrowBig, or whatever veg. nute your using...i use FFgrowbig atleast until week 4 flower, and only stop cause i use the cha-ching at week 4, that has enough N to finish the plants cycle...if i wernt gonna use cha-Ching i would use GrowBig till im done feeding, peace