Yellow leaves and burnt tips - Whats wrong?

Hello guys
It's my 4th grow and I'm currently growing a single plant. The plant are surprisingly two months old and have just been FIM'd two weeks ago. About a few days after the FIM I saw fan leaves starting to yellow and a few burnt tips. My first thought was it had something to do with nutrition burn, but it doesn't look like the other times I've experienced it. My friend planted the seed in used soil from his old pots, because he had run out, so they soil sucks and will not make runoff. I also think the FIM looks weird, it was done properly, but it looks like the plant have recovered and continued to grow with one main collar due to the problemthe plant is suffering from. I'm thinking the poor soil could have something to do with it?

My Question is what do you think my plant is suffering from? and what should I do?
Does it look like a proper FIM?

Thankyou :weed:

foto (3).jpg foto (4).jpg


Well-Known Member
I think your soil has problems. When used previously by your friend, was he running synthetic nutes in it? What do you mean it won't produce run off?

I'm thinking it was previously used with synthetic nutes that have now built up to toxic levels because it hasn't been flushed. Pure speculation as you haven't provided enough details to know anything for sure.

I can't tell from your picture if you fimmed her correctly. Doesn't look like it as I only see one node coming off the top, but hard to tell from photo.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Bugeye...most likely your soil is toxic. I'd transplant into a better soil (no time released nutrients) and throw in at least 20% perlite for good drainage.

The FIM has nothing to do with this. IMO


New Member
hi there i have some plants coming up 5 weeks old ,where doing great ,looking big green and healthy ,till the other day decided to repot them into 3ltr pts with ,miracle grows compost with 6 mths fed ,i used the miracle grow potting soil previously from seed with great results,,3 days after repotting i think they have newt burn,,some of the large lower leaves have gone yellow or brown ,i have removed these,but worst of all ,all the new shoots that are shooting of all over the plant is all yellow with very tips curling up. or bright yellow ,all the new growth is affected , what im thinking is ,when i repotted them i over watered them and maybe released to many nutes,,my qustion is ,do i flush ? or will this just release more nutes,,or should i just water a little and see if they get over it,,or is there no hope now the new grouth is affected ,,any help appreciated thanks 1st time lady grower


Well-Known Member
Hey nanna,

Copy and paste your post as a new thread and we can give you comments there. Post a pic if possible.
I thought so too. I've only used Bio grow. The thing I meant about run off is that no matter how much water I put in the pot, nothing comes out of the bottom. Should I flush the plant and then repot it? And what about the old leaves? should I pick off the old damaged leaves since they have no use anymore?
Best Regards


Active Member
From the looks of it your growing in coco? And using Bio Grow? Its old substrate that's being reused? Coco is naturally rich in potassium, when it decomposes, It releases it. Like the others have said, your soil is toxic. You have what I believe to be lockout from high salts, which is antagonized by excessive Potassium. You are also over watering, since you have no runoff, It would be safe to assume your drainage is a lack there of. Roots don't feed when they cant breath, and salts build. Transplant to a NEW proven substrate and cut it with perlite for drainage.