Yellow leaves and dosent seem healty at all!


Active Member
So I went out of town for 2weeks for the BC poker championship in Vancouver. I gave my brother some basic instructions to do. I had a 400w MH running 24/7. When I came back, 1 died and 3 others are all yellow. Even 2 of them lost some of their initial leaves.

I switched back to 4 40w 2.7k CFLs because I thought it could be light burn or something. Whats your thoughs? Pic are blushy a little but leaves are like 100% yellow lol. You can actually see 1 leaf on the soil in one of the pic. Temp is fine. Could PH be the main cause?



Well-Known Member
r u feeding the plants n e thing? if u r STOP IT

also what soil r u using cos it may have nutes in it that those little seedlings cant handle


Active Member
i suggest u to wait until someone else give you other advices but in my opinion they are almost dead.
U told u went away for 2 weeks and that plants seems TOOOOO small. They are not growing anymore. My 2 cents are to start again.
This time add lot of perlite in your soil. Seems to me too compact.

Anyway ... good luck


Active Member
start them under CFLs, they cost less to run, don't put out as much heat, have a better spectrum for vegging than HPS. Overall much better for a small seedling imo.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
from what I can just see they looked shocked & poisoned good luck next time learn from your mistakes and do a bit of research start plants in smaller pots for starters and dont pot up too soon wait till you can see roots at bottom of pot
ph in soil fed plants is not so critcal but leave tap water to stand for 24hr let the crap evaporate no need to feed untill start of flower cycle every pot up in veg the soil will have more than enough food in it unerless you plan to veg for a long time like 5 weeks in the same pot then feed hope this tiny bit helps
blazzin haze afghan pass.....


Active Member
Ya i want to veg for more than 5weeks. I actually want 1 mother than clone from it so theres alwyas a flowering cycle going in my flowering space.

And ya ill start over, those were cheap seeds anyway so it dosent really matter. Was my first time and I learned a lot. Im just sad to see those goes :(

Question with the soil beinc compact, cause it could be the main problem I believe. The temperatuer was alwyas perfect, a fan was blowing indirectly on them with the CFLs I dont believe its light burn. Couldve been with the 400w MH tough. Next time im going to wait for them to be big enough before puting them down my 400w.

So I checked the roots of them before putting them in my garbage. They had huge and multiple roots BUT a lot of compact big pack of soil were ON the roots. Like, when I puled of the plants, the roots came with big compact soil. I guess thats not good. And those pack of soils were really dry.

So adding perlites right away at the start will help? Ill add that next time! Anything else?

Repoting tooo soon was another mistake. I did actually let the water open for 24h before using it so I had that right! BUt I never tested PH of my SOIL/WATER so that could be it as well.


Active Member
It's always sad when things gone wrong :-( .
But you're here to improve your skill so don't worry too much and go on :leaf:.

There are lot of things to take care of but in my opinion the most important are : soil and ph.

About the soil : add around 30% perlite in every pot. It will prevent your soil to compact so much. Just another advice before put your soil in the pot check the soil for any compact pack and remove them.

About the ph : Plants can only absorb what it needs from the soil if the ph is in the right range. Try to mantain it around 6.3 - 6.8. Too lower or too high and the plant will not be able to get nutrients from the soil (or at least it will not be able to get all the nutrients). Check the chart i will attach to this message.
Use a ph meter to check soil ph and adjust it as needed.

Good luck and peace

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
the soil ph wont kill your plants the reason for ph is so the plants finds it easy to absorb food rain water is around 6.5 depending on where you live in the world tap water is vaired too nomaly on the alkaline side 7 to 8 the way i do it is make up some full strenth feed and check the ph of that then get you water about the same easy the plants will still grow and bud if you dont ph your water