Yellow Leaves, Brown Tips, 10 weeks into flowering.

poon cup

Hey ive looked around but still cant quite find the answer to this. I unfortunately dont have a camera so sorry no pics :twisted:

My plant is from mexican bag seed and is 10 weeks into flowering with some buds on it.
Its in Miracle grow indoor potting soil. Ive been watering it with regular tap water the whole time no nutes.
None of my other 4 plants show any signs that this one is so im worried. Lots of the leaves are yellow though not all, but all of the leaves even the green ones have burnt tips.

Now from what ive read up its probably nutrient defficency but its in miracle grow potting mix so i dont know if giving it something like pro bloom would hurt it or help?

2 days ago i cut holes in the bottom of the 5 gallon bucket its in and ran lots of water though it. still it looks sick.

thanks in advance for help :)


Well-Known Member
but even the mg soil is not going to provide enough of the K needed in flowering, I would def add ur bloom solution. Towards the end of flower, about 2 weeks prior, stop all nutes, & at this point you will again see the normal yellowing of ur fan leaves


Well-Known Member
dude, 10 weeks into flowering?!?! dont worry. this is your plants way of saying "IM DONE!!!" what a plant does at the end of its flowering cycle is soak up all the nutes from the leaves and stalk, which in turn makes all the leaves turn yellow and dry up. HARVEST THAT SUCKA!

poon cup

hmmm its a very big plant, 4 ft with alot of branches, and it is mexican bag seed and i can tell its a strong sativa so i was figuring it had 2 weeks max left. Its just that the buds arent very dense at all but thats bag seed for ya i guess.


Well-Known Member
Ive noticed my buds getting denser and denser after every clone I took. and a 12 week flowering period is really long... most are only about 8-9weeks...