Yellow leaves, young plants!! could this turn bad???


Active Member
Can anyone tell me if these lower yellow leaves are a sign of anything??? I've been veggin them w/24 hr light but have reduced to 20hrs with natural light and unnatural light in a 2' wide 3' deep 2' tall space using a sinlge 37watt CFL. no nutes added. watering when soil is dry to an Inch deep. all are in 4" round peat pots. Thanks for any help!!!


Well-Known Member
Maybe low light, the pH of your water... I'd check the pH first, which should be around 6.7 (+/-".2", depending on your strain). Then don't know how well of natural sunlight your getting but more CFLs couldn't hurt.


Active Member
I dont think there is any problem. one of mine turned a tad yellow so i highered the light 2 inches and now its taller and greener than the rest.

rural hick

Well-Known Member
mine have stunted and turning yellow. i thought that it was under watering, cause i have not done much watering. i am using well water and better check my pH. i will get a pH tester today. but all plants get the same treatment, and all do not look that way. some are doing well. they are 5 weeks old, in miracle grow organic compost and mixed with perlite. i fed not long ago (2 days) and no difference at 20% miracle grow.
i have 4 conclusions; heat, pH, and overwatering or underwatering, and/or Nitrogen shortage. they are WW and mazar x afghan. they are on a fan. 2 lamp 4' T5 6500k, and 12 26wt 6500k CFLs. 2 MAs and one WW look really good for the age, 8 WW and 1 MA look poor.

Brick Top

New Member
By looking at your picture it appears the yellowing is on the older leaves. There can be a number of reasons for that.

Pale plants, red stems, smaller growth. Rapid yellowing of lower leaves progressing up the plant. Add any chemical fertilizer containing N. Treated plants recover in about a week.


Affected plants are usually tallest and appear to be most vigorous. Necrotic spots form on lower leaves. Red stems. Leaves appear pale or yellow. Add chemical fertilizer containing K.

Lower leaves yellow and may even turn white while veins remain dark green. Blades die and curl upward.
And it could be pH so check that for sure.
Look at your plants very closely and see if you can spot anything besides just the obvious yellowing and also try to remember just where it began and how it has progressed and then see if any of the above seems to fit.


I have some clones that I got about 2 weeks ago I planted them in really good organic soil and have been givin the 2x watered down Nutes but they are starting to yellow on the tips ? One of the plants got injured but seems to be recovering but the one that was growning great now has yellow leaves ?


At first sight your soil look crappy :) and or you gave them too much water at first watering. When the yellow leaf come from the bottom of the plant it's a roots signal! Try to water with the weight of the pot instead of last time, and/or find soil with perlite. Have fun.