Yellow spots on flowering plant, thought maybe spider mites but not seen

2013-11-02 12.24.40.jpg Looked at my clones and didn't see any yellowing or spotting leaves. Didn't see any spider mites, or webs or anything. It's on it's 6th week of flowering.. Maybe nute burn? the 400 watt hps is ~14.5 inches above with fan blowing across the top of the plant.


Active Member
No idea, but you def need to get that in control. Looks like a def or burn rather than a mold. I would suggest a pic under a cfl light. Or natural. I have a good book and will look, but better pic will help. Sorry I can't help off hand.


Well-Known Member
That is not spider mite damage. I am not an expert but it could be nute burn or a deficiency, but my guess is burns from having standing water on the leaves under a hot light.
If it was water, I wouldn't water from that high up. I'm wondering if it's nute burn, I use dry nutes that go into the soil


Active Member
Time release nutes is your best start man. Water dissolvable is much better. Sure you know that :p
Yea unfortunately when I started I didn't have thebfunds for ff water soluble. Next grows will get a much nicer treatment. Well its organic soil, fish fert prior to the bloom fert that's dry.


Active Member
My book has a similar pic... Guess what it is. Spider mites. Will keep looking and show u the pic
The book of the gods ;) haha damn. So I didn't see em, what should I do? Prep the Habanero spray and burn em outta the house? Time to grab a beer and investigate those little arachno-fucks. I WONDER if the light is too close, the leaves on top are yellower than the bottom. Thanks for helping me with this man, appreciated so much
Holey shit blurry. Thats a bit darker than mine tho and more 'plague' like... hmm I read around that the 'brown' is caused by either what you said heat with water, or nute burn. Mines more yellow. I don't know if that makes a difference.
Another thing, the leaves at the top are becoming 'brittle'. I don't know if this is a sign of heat but I'm gunna pull the light up a bit and see if things improve


Active Member
That's heat burn for that pic. 400w get hot! A fan blowing the already hot air in the room won't help. How is your air circulation setup? Fresh air coming in? Hot air goin out? I just thin that would be more because of the nutes, but don't know yet
Heres a few more pics in normal light. Didn't realize my plants had color since I started with the HPS haha. Anyways I have the closet door open in the daytime, the fan moves the air out. What should I do now if it's heat burn? I move the 400 watt up a little bit, so hopefully that will help it a bit

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