yellow spots on the edge of first true node


Active Member
2011-01-30 14.37.40.jpg2011-01-30 14.37.55.jpg
the plants just over a week old, i only have watered it once, when it needed it because i wanted the roots to search for water, they just showed today, small yellowed spots on the edge of just this one leaf and the second true nodes are slightly curled aswell but im not sure if thats anything to fret about
2011-01-29 04.11.11.jpg


Active Member
the temps dark to light range from about 65- about 72 and i dont have anything to test ph yet... i dont have much money right now


Active Member
until 2 days ago i was keeping a 2 litre with the top cut off over it to help raise humidity and temp tho. took it off 2 days ago

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
why would he want a soil tester...and they arent accurate at all if using colour to read it. he needs a real pen for foods and waterings. and is the same thing used for run off checkinbg to

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Growing in soil, the only pH reading that ultimately matters is that of the damp soil. Food and water can be pH'd perfectly but if that reading changes when the liquids mix with the soil, the pH is still off.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
hu???..its important to use the right ph for foods and thwe water or thats what throws off the mediums ph...and keeping it to wet. if you dont ph the food/water then of course the medium will eventualy go out because the plant cant take it all in now so effects the mediums ph. do the right ph to begin with and you should never need to check run off..i dont unless i have an issue


Active Member
the spots arent growing or spreading btw... dont know if that makes a difference or not but i thought id throw that in there

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
no, its 200% pH related. has to with nothing to set the pH. and with your way low temps no way its burnt from light, should be about 10 degree warmer day and night there

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ah..ya. wow was early when i posted,

i meant to say it has to be ph as you have nothing to set it with. then its not light burn as you asked above. with temps 10 degree to low for both day and night. and thats not what light burn looks like


Active Member
ah hah... well the reason i thought it could be light burn, is that i moved the lights up and the yellowing didnt spread any further. plusthe lights were 1-2inches away... could it be under watering or is it 100% most definitely ph releted

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
well to start with its ph, then from there it may be 101 other things but wont know till the most important item with foods if fixed and thats the right ph. that is food related but may be from bad room and so on. but fix 1 thing at a time and the first thing to fix is ph