A deficiency would affect all the leaves in the same class so it's likely some environmental factor that caused that. A little too much heat, liquid or just a few spots on a leaf.
I wouldn't worry about it unless you start seeing lots more of it. Yellowing of the older fan leaves is the most likely thing to happen as the plant starts running out of food. Then it will be time to start feeding it.
What type of soil is it and what kind of nutes do you plan to feed with?
BTW those leaves have great color. Nice shape. Looks healthy.I lean to calmag also. Try and see. She is young. I wouldnt flood her with nutes..just basic calmag and phed water i think. A little molasses does wonders also. It is loaded with micronutes and sugars. A leaf here and there is common. As long as does not take over. Just my thoughts.
I am using some regular soil from the supermarket, not many choices for me. This is the one :
As for nutrients, I bought some for palm trees and green plants with an NPK of 9-4-5. I also have some universal ones witb NPK 4-5-6 which also contain 1% Calcium
If that's a good auto it should start showing the onset of flowering in the next 1 - 3 weeks so I would feed a 1/4 dose of that first nute to start with and she how it takes it. After 4 or 5 weeks of flowering I'd then switch to the 2nd one until the end. The NPK ratios aren't bad for veg and flower but would be nice to know what's all in them as far as micronutrients go
If you are using tap water you may have plenty of Ca and other things in it.
Do you think I should start feeding 1/4 dose of nutes when she start preflower or let's say when she enters week 4?
As for water, I am actually using bottled water with a PH of 6, but I am now thinking that it may be a good idea maybe to mix tap water with the bottled one.
About your water:
is that carbon-dioxided? pH of 6 at that massive Ca & Mg seems awkward. Also Sulphur being lower than Mg is unusual. Could still work, but pH up may become necessary over time. Or mix with tap, which is usually pH 7.5-8
these white dots want to become some roots, thats normal.
if youre from the country composana is from you should be able to see your local water report on your waterworks website.
your mineral water is for sure not too low in Ca, i bet when you let your water of gas the CO2, you wont have a pH of 6 anymore.
maybe see if you cant use your tap water, later in flower you dont want to haul the bottles only for your plant.
is some good alternative to composana, especially as you can download a technical product pdf for every type they sell.Premium Potting and planting soils by Floragard - Floragard | ... und alles blüht auf! Blumenerden und Substrate
The high-quality mixtures for allround- application perfectly meet the requirements of many perennials, ornamental plants and shrubs and provide for long and healthy growth from the beginning.professional.floragard.de
btw. they even sell some "Growmix" now in home depots.