yellow stuff


Active Member
I would have to guess....some kind of nutrient deficiency. The only reason I guess this, is because when I use my cloner too long without changing the water, my clones turn yellow.....canabalising themselves. root growth slows. but if I get them in the soil...they green up within a week. Im a noob so don't take my word on it.Someone else could probably tell you exactly what it is, but its hard to tell by just a pic and no additional distance, nutes in soil, water ph ...sorry I can't help more.


Well-Known Member
Serious issue there. They will stop growing now. How close is light and how often are you watering.?


Weed Modifier
I feed exactly as written here. it`s second week in veg
View attachment 1942905
being your plant is still small it probably didn't need any nutrients yet? still in seedling stage, and if you gave full strength, was too much, always use 1/4 strength( of what chart says), then work up to full strength.

did you feed her because of the yellowing? or did it change color after you fed?


Active Member
first time when I fed with nuts I gave 1/2 strangt and then I gave full strength about two times and they was allright but then two days back they start to turn yellow... so I thought thet not nut. burn because they yellowing from inside


Active Member
could it be iron deficiency or zinc deficiency? or it`s just nutrient burn ?
what should I do ?
some expierinc grower advise ? plz


Well-Known Member
I think lockout if fed that early. I don't feed till about 3/4 weeks sometimes. Depends what soil you are in?


Weed Modifier
first time when I fed with nuts I gave 1/2 strangt and then I gave full strength about two times and they was allright but then two days back they start to turn yellow... so I thought thet not nut. burn because they yellowing from inside
just give ph'd water for a few waterings to flush excess nutrients out of your soil...and they should start to green up again :)

run enough water through til you have a good amount coming out of the bottom of your pots...then allow the soil to dry out, may take awhile, but it is needed... watering only a cup per day or two is not the way to water them, soil needs to be wet all the way through container....when i water it "Rains"! then let dry out before watering/feeding again. peace