Yellow Tips But Still Growing Strong


Active Member
The tips are turning yellow, but it's still growing and not slowing down. I have flushed it and the tips have not shown any change. Am I not using enough plant food or 2 much?? help. right now the light ratio is 18/6 and using a floodlight for light and miracle grow plant food, I've done this the same before and got a great plant & harvest but this is the 1st time I get the yellow tips.



Well-Known Member
As long as the problem isn't getting any worse, it's probably under control. Looks like a touch of fert burn, so I'd avoid nutes for another 10+ days, unless the new growth starts looking a little light in color.


yeah i had same thing 2 weeks ago and i just fed it water for a while and she,s fine. it was the nutes with mine i had mixed 2 kinds to try something and well i get burned.