Yellow with rust. Whats causing it

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Off the top of my head I think of calcium deficiency, but really I need more info. Is it possible to get a picture of the plant? If unable, then can you describe where on the plant that these symptoms are showing (lower leaves, mid section, top leaves, all over, etc)? I just want more information before I give any advice on it, plus the info will help for more veteran members to chime in.


Well-Known Member
Rust is a fungi. it is opportunist. it preys on unwell plants. if something is a miss, rust is a sign. rust has been identified to have 7,000 species. it attacks crops of every description. but we’re only interested in one variety arn’t we?
if rust is present early in a grow, you have problems as it’s an indicator something in your room is a miss. usually ventilation. go through your system and double check things are in place and working properly.
rust is an air borne fungi. if given the opportunity, it WILL take hold. it usually does during flower as this is when the plants immune system is at its weakest as its energies are concentrating on re-production, not survival.
depending on what part of the grow you get it, you can cure/minimize it with either chemical or natural remedies.
it enters the leaf via the stomata and then it’s off and running.
fungacides used are generally copper based and include; thriram, manzecob, maneb or zineb at 10 day intervills.
baking soda, 1 tea spoon/ quart of water. spray on.
copper sulphate, read lables.
fungacidal soap sprays;
garlic sprays, 1/2 cup minced garlic, 1 quart of water. let sit 24hrs, strain, spray.
sulphur, one of the best natural sprays. it is low in toxicity.
micro kill, a citric based killer.