Yellowing Edges/brown Tips-help !!!!!

Bud Boy

Active Member
Am a 1st time Grower and 3 weeks into my Afghani adventure.

My Eastern beauties though are now slightly yellowing , only a few leaves, though they have also developed crispy tips.

Now I've not panicked (yet) and for the last three hours have trawled posts,threads in order to try and diagnos the problem.

As I am also only a few weeks in and very much in Veg stage I have not added any Nutes or feed as I believe my medium would take care of that (see profile).

Probably lights need to be raised, currently 60cm/2ft from Bulb to plant though any ideas or suggestions welcomed.

Temps 78-84F day night - 76-80

Low Humidity () Ice buckets to help

Soil is Westlands Multi Purpose with added John Innes (Nutrients for up to 3 weeks included).

Seedlings transplanted 3 weeks ago , all look healthy - all growing well - water when pot feels light.

Once a week so far. Got Bio - Biz for when first feed due.

Only couple of leaves turning, edges a little, few tips as well.

Pictures Attached

Thanks Alot



Well-Known Member
you say you havent used nutes hmm sounds like you might want to try adding your first nutes to your watering cycle after 3 days if it gets worse flush your soil and wait to water till the top layer is dry then add nutes to your water and go from there wat kind of light are you useing? and i might be wrong but it looked (from your pic) that the plants where in the same container? if thats correct your plants are probley choking eachother out best to keep them in seprate containers


New Member
Looks like nute burn, so it could also be heat stress.

How close are your lights? What's the temp's?

Trouble with using soil is that often it is full of shit in certain levels that can be harmful to cannabis' uptake of nutrients. Indeed, could even be on time release, and the release has led to too much nutes getting through.

Personally I'd check that it isn't heat stress before taking my next move.


Well-Known Member
I've got the same problem.I just recently flushed the crap out of my pots.Im using 100%organic soil that i think might be the problem.When i water now i add no nutes,since there should plenty of nutes allready there.I do add H2O2 to the water and only water when the top few inches of soil is dry.After flushing plants (heavily) looked noticably better after a day or so.:hump:


Well-Known Member
no expert here but my first question would whats th ph level of the water you are using had a simila problem with my 1 soil plant