Yellowing leaf tips


Active Member
Hi all,
I have two easyryders in a dwc setup using advanced nutrients bloom/grow/micro. I have also added AN Bud Candy in my last water change. One plant is in its 5th week of flowering and the other is in its 3rd/4th. The bud density is fantastic on the older plant and the younger is coming along well. Yesterday I noticed some yellowing of the tips and this morning it is occurring on both plants. I did my best to get a representative picture. Is it nute burn or something else. My tips have been a bit folded down too but it seems OK.

So I just went and checked things a bit closer and my pH creeped up to 7. I assume that is it. I adjusted and hopefully we will recover. I am a day away from a water change and they are really drinking now. It could be that that factor is causing faster changes in the pH Take a look anyway and tell me what you think.



Well-Known Member
Definitely a combination of nutrient burn and possibly some PH stress. Just flush it with water your next 2 waterings and you should see improvements. Good luck bro, hope your ladies come along nicely.


Active Member
OK. I diluted the reservoir with some plain water and adjusted the pH. With luck that will get me through until I have time for a full change (tomorrow at the latest) I think I will dial back on the nutrients by 25%. I have ~2 weeks until my flush anyway. Should I keep the Bud Candy at normal level to boost the available carbohydrates and aminos for flowering?
OK. I diluted the reservoir with some plain water and adjusted the pH. With luck that will get me through until I have time for a full change (tomorrow at the latest) I think I will dial back on the nutrients by 25%. I have ~2 weeks until my flush anyway. Should I keep the Bud Candy at normal level to boost the available carbohydrates and aminos for flowering?
Yeah, nute burn can be a bitch, can't it? Sounds like you're back on track though.

Dial back the nutes a bit and I would even scale back on the Bud Candy since your plants have been stressed already. You don't want to freak them out too much. See how the plants respond to the Bud Candy and if things are good, then you can work up to the normal level you need to add.
