Yellowing leaves and root rot


New Member
Hello, I have been attempting to take care of my girlfriend's plants while she's away. For a while, everything seemed to be okay, but recently, some of the leaves have started to develop spots and the leaves are yellowing. Also, I'm having some problems with root rot. I tried to order some aquashield, but I was told that the product was discontinued. Are there alternatives that I can use? My ph looks to be about 6.0 and ppm around 550 and water temp I believe in the upper 60's. I don't know what's going on or what I have done wrong. Your help is greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
I'm new to this too but had the same problem with mine. I actually have my girlfriend taking care of my plants so reverse that scenario. In any case the advice given by a well known member was to flush with straight water for one day. Add one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water to eat that scum off. Make sure to have lots of air going to those roots and lower that ph a little bit. somewhere around 5.7 would be more comfortable for them. Hope you can save them!


Well-Known Member
you need to search "heisenberg" what your gunna needs is some EWC tea brewed up asap for the root rot...that is your whole problem and why the plants cant get nutes ...
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Well-Known Member
Hello, I have been attempting to take care of my girlfriend's plants while she's away. For a while, everything seemed to be okay, but recently, some of the leaves have started to develop spots and the leaves are yellowing. Also, I'm having some problems with root rot. I tried to order some aquashield, but I was told that the product was discontinued. Are there alternatives that I can use? My ph looks to be about 6.0 and ppm around 550 and water temp I believe in the upper 60's. I don't know what's going on or what I have done wrong. Your help is greatly appreciated.
If I were you I would set all those nets in 2 inches of hydrogen peroxide, while you clean the shit out of your reservoir. Rinse the roots off and throw them back in. Pray.