Yellowing leaves with Brown/Rusty spots. 3 weeks old


Im using 400MH, I have two MK's in 3 inch pots. Using MG seed starter mix (better than the regular MG potting soil as I have heard) The thing is the lower 1st set of leaves (that come right after the cotyledons) are yellowing and dying off.. with the help ofcourse by the brown rusty spots. Im using 7.0 PH distilled drinking water. RH is 30-45%. Temps are 80-90 degrees w lights on (24/7).

I have no idea where Im going wrong here, I don't think its any type of nute burn as I have only given them half a spike of Jobes fertilizer and as soon as I saw the yellowing I took them out. In terms of the roots being bound though, that might be the case but Im not so sure that it's related to the yellowing of theaves.

Now, since I didnt use liquid nutes so far, a nute burn is very unlikely. Overwatering is also unlikely as the sign for such is droopy leaves not discoloration. Is it heat? low RH? too small of a pot? use better soil mix when transplanting? what exactly can I do to make sure those lovely looking green leaves on top, don't follow their early lower leaves and simply crisp up and die?

Any help will be appreciated.
