yellowing leaves

my leaves are all starting to yellow. it started off as a healthy clone 4+ weeks ago, it has rooted is in new soil ( proper npk for its stage ) , it started off as just the tips so i figured my water hadnt set long enough to burn out the chlorine and switched to distilled. it still seems to be growing daily though . its about 3 1/2 inches tall and usually grows about 1/4 inch a day. its in a plastic cup but i dont think thats the problem. also its not any where near the heat from the light. oh yeah a few stems are starting to turn pruple too. any help?
Yes i have 5 drain holes no bigger than a pencil. i would love to take some photos and show you but the last two cameras i got the old lady had to break. if she isnt doing any better tomorrow ill borrow a camera


Well-Known Member
You are not providing enough water for one. 1.5 shot glass per plastic cup is nowhere near enough. You should water until you see some runoff and not just a few drops. I look for about 1/4 of what I pour in to run off, sometimes more when leeching the soil. Up the water and see if that doesn't help the roots absorb some of those nutrients. I seed in 9oz solo cups and in 14 days, they need transplanting because the roots are already wrapping up at the bottom. Do not be stingy with water at this stage. Your plant tops are calling up for nitrogen and the roots aren't supplying it, so the plant is taking the nutrients stored in the lower leaves. You should also consider PH lock if your sure your soil is nutrient rich and moist enough. Knowing the PH of the water before it runs through the soil and what the PH is after, can help you to determine the soil's PH. 6.5 is my goal for soil PH.