Yellowing lower leaf veins


Well-Known Member
Outdoor plants in raised beds with dirt that's been heavily amended with composted horse manure, general kitchen and yard compost, and with a 7.1 pH. Plants are top dressed with EWC, a couple tbs epson salts and mulched comfrey. They get water every 2-3 days as they need it, and drenched with an ACT every couple of weeks.

This yellowing started within a week of putting them in the ground and is taking most of the lower leaves. Here's a shot of some of the affected leaves:


and another of the whole plant:


Seems anomalous because the yellowing starts in the veins, and other photos I've seen of deficiencies show the yellowing starting *between* the veins. I though maybe a Mg deficiency but they were given a couple doses of E. salts early and I'm pretty confident it's not that, but really not sure what's going on.

Any diagnosis or advice appreciated.
I'm not familiar of any deficiencies causing vein yellowing. Are you sure that's what it is. I have old eyes and I can't see adequately in the picture...but you're there with it.

The veins end at the notches on the edge...not at the tips.
Hey, JD. Thanx for getting back. Yeah, I understand the "old eyes" syndrome. I don't go anywhere without my reading glasses these days.

Here's a closeup of a couple of affected leaves:


I haven't found any reference to "vein yellowing" either, assuming that's what I'm really seeing. You agree with the symptom? Any idea?
Sheesh...that sure is vein fading. I Googled out of curiosity but all I got was other growers on other forums...complaining about the same thing. No real science. Got me curious now. If I find anything I'll get back to you.
So, @JohnDee, I settled on Sulfur deficiency. It's the only deficiency I found with symptoms of "yellow veins." Given that, I drenched 2 of the girls with 4g (NH4)2SO4 in 2 liters H2O. We'll see.

I should add that I'm in raised beds in W Oregon, and we get significant rainfall so a sulfur deficiency is not unreasonable.
I was thinking about your plant pictures. The yellowish area you are calling yellowing veins is really not right at the vein, but next to it and also I noticed a hint of yellowing along the middle of the leaf too. I started to wonder if maybe that was just generalized chlorosis which sometimes starts kinda' randomly. In which case adding N would be the answer. But that ammonium sulfate you added certainly will cover it N or S deficient.

Looking forward to the plant response...