Yellowing of 2.5 week old Double Gum in Soil


Active Member
Hello everyone. This is kinda my first grow. I had an attempt at DWC fail at 3 days old, so I decided to try soil first. Anyways, here is my problem that I'm sure everyone here knows better than I about the answer.

White Label Seeds - Double Gum
2.5 week old (Veg) from seed
Daylight CFLs on 24/0 (1-2" away)
Schultz Seedling Soil with added perlite
Watering when dry and less weight to pot (4" pots)

These started to yellow in the oldest growth a couple days ago. I figured it was them asking for nutrients. I have done a lot of reading and most things say you can/should start nutes at 2 weeks. So, 2 days ago I added 1/4 strength of Earth Juice Grow and Microblast that was bubbled for 24 hours. I have also read that it takes a couple days for the nutes to be taken in by the plants. I do not believe EVERYTHING I read, so I have attached pix and hope you can help.

Also to note: The part of the leaf that attaches to the stem is purple and on the first plant, there is a growing brown spot on one leaf.

The first three pix are of one plant and the second three pics are of another. Each leaf zoom-in is a different leaf. I only have 2 plants growing right now.

Sorry about the blurry pix, no macro on cheap p&s cam.

Please tell me what you think. Nute burn, or def? Pots too small? Thanks in advance.



Active Member
Anyone??? The problem is getting worse. The next set of leaves is starting to yellow and the brown spot on the one leaf is growing.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, there are errors in opening the thumbnails, can't get a good look at them, its not your pictures, its my eyes. So, I have to ask some questions, ok? The top of the plants look nice and green, correct? So its a kinda healthy plant except right there at the bottom? And the lowest leave on the plant are the ones that are the question? A leaf that is being shedd by the plant will not change back to a healthy leaf, that process doesn't reverse by adding nutrients. Those yellow leaves will continue to yellow until they dry up and fall off or you remove them.
Your time table for adding nutes sounds right, at about 2 weeks, 1/4 strentgh is the recommendation, does that particular brand of potting soil contain any nutrients? SInce, up to this point all you have done is water them, if you 'caused this condition', it means you over or under watered. Did you? VV


New Member
n deficency it will sort itself out just keep it on 1/4 strength feed for now dont wrry about ph etc as your in soil and it will do it all for you. all seedling soils only contain a small amount of nutes so its upto you to give them what they need.


Active Member
Thanks for the responses.

My corrected pH for plain distilled bottled water is at 6.6. But I read that for Earth Juice, it is best not to correct its pH, so I did not check when I added it to 8.0pH distilled bottled water.

As for the problem. Yes, it is the lowest serrated leaves with only single fingers, but the problem is now happening in the next set of leaves up (with 3 fingers). The problem happened before nutes were added and the watering has not changed since the start (wait until dry / less weight to pot / used a moisture meter), but I am not an expert so overwatering is a small possibility. I do not have the bag in front of me, but I believe that the soil had very small amounts of nutrients (like .07 .03 .04 or similar). Does it look like burn? It is hard for me to tell using the Jorge Ceventes Bible pictures, but it looks like it needs nutes?? However, I do not want to burn the plants, so I am here. New growth appears to be strong and without problems and continues (just had to raise the lights a bit this morning. Will the yellowing in any leaves disappear once it has started? Or will it stop yellowing? I know at some point the leaf is dead and will continue to die, but is there a saving point?

Thanks again!!!


Active Member
ripz: You posted while I was posting, so I didn't see it until now. How long will it take to work itself out? Since it is continuing up the plants, should I up the strength of nutes? Everyone who uses EJ claims it is very difficult to burn your plants with it. By the way, I have not done anything yet, as I am waiting for responses and do not want to kill any more plants.


New Member
any leaves that are 50% damaged or more i usually remove, if the stems are purple and the leaves are yellow you can pretty much guaruntee n def it will take a week or so to sort itself out. either get some canna start and feed them that or just stick to quarter strength on your reg nutes.
good luck m8

ps you havent overwatered


Active Member
Thanks ripz!!! I will remove the yellow leaves and continue with what I have been doing. I would give you a +rep, but it is grayed out (will rep when it is available). I have not seen canna start and do not have a local hydro store (over 1 hr each way drive). I will look into that product, but probably just stick with what I have for now. Also, what do you think about pot size? They are in 4" pots now and I will transplant when needed. I think I see roots in the drain holes, but not clogging them and not coming out. They are just kinda there (if they are the roots). I do not have a lot of grow room and do not what huge pots (plan on LST). What size should I move to if I plan to flower after another 2-3 weeks of veg? And again, thanks for the help!!!! My worst soil fear was over-watering and thats why I added the extra perlite.


Well-Known Member
ya man i had this exact problem about a week ago. i was underfeeding. went home gave them a good dose and they came back. takes about a week and will set u back a week on flowering(thats what i am gonna do) i when yellowing starts from the botem and moves up thats the first indicator. the plant is actually using the food reservs in the leaves to power its top proiety which is budding


Active Member
Ghost420: Thanks for the confirmation. I had ordered the nutes in anticipation of their 2 week birthday and they started yellowing exactly on the 2 week day. I had just gotten the nutes (web order) and it is recommended to brew EJ for 24-48 hours before giving to them, so I had another day to wait. I may do as you suggest and give them more time to veg, but currently, new growth does not seem to be slowing because of this.

When I was home for lunch, I checked them. The plant in the first pics is looking better and the yellowing has slowed or stopped. The second one seems to be yellowing a bit more, but I will know more tonight and tomorrow morning.