Yellowing of the roots in DWC


Hey now ! I`ve started my deep water culture Hydro set up that the water line was 1'' above the edge which I thought it was ok since it was a seedling. That was level was kept for 3 weeks. Then i lowered the water line 1'' below the edge of the bucket. at the begining the roots where off coloured yellowish. but now the yellowing is going further down and it`s almost the whole root system. I use Advance Nutrients and i`m following the Veg cylce to a Tee. I do a water change every friday, so i`d like to know what I can do this coming friday to help out my roots.

I`ve bought Hydrogen Peroxide I wonder if I can put a little bit ( don`t Know how much really) to clean everything out.



Active Member
Could do with an oxygen stone for the water getting into the roots. , Also is there any chance you could have a bit of light getting into the bucket ? Even a little can cause alge to grow and that's what might be happening . But also could be to do with oxygen . Cover your bucket fully with a towel . Also try something to oxygenate your water more. This should solve your problem. Give it a week or so to see improvement .


Well-Known Member
I learned this the hard way...

When growing from seed (which mean using some kind of starter cube, one needs to be mindful that should that cube get wet, it's not going to dry out in DWC. Eventually, this will cause RR, and you have the signs. What to do now?

Fashion a container that you can drop the net pot into and fill it with 3-10% H2O2 and let it SOAK ~ 30 minutes. Remove and flush/wash under the faucet, making sure the cube soaks as well. I repeated this 3 times/day. Eventually the plants recovered

I made a cloner out of an old coffee container, by cut a hole the size of my net pot. It occurred to me to use it for my root rot problem. The proper sized hole in the lid allows the plant to stay above the h2o2

picture below


