Yellowing plant


Well-Known Member
So obviously plants fade during flower. One of my plants out of the five that I’m flowering in 10 gallon Pots is turning yellow much faster than the others. It started from the top and has worked its way down. Its on week seven so it seems pretty normal but I’m just wondering if from the top down means something rather than from the bottom up. If anyone has any insight, I would love to hear it.
Pics would be helpful, but most anything that starts from the top down is a non-mobile nutrient problem. Immobile nutrients include, Ca, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mg (somewhat), Mn, Zn.
If you have provided either fertilizer or soluble nutrients yet your plants are getting lighter or yellowing in mid flower from top down it indicates a possible absorption issue aka ph lockout. There’s several different ways to reverse this but it is kinda hard to decide what to do without more information. If your soil/grow medium is essentially sterile due to prolonged exposure to 2 part synthetic nutrients then simply ph adjusting your water/nutrient solution to the proper range for absorption could help. If you are growing in live organic soil then you can provide aacts, more active compost, and/or fertilizers to allow microbial activity to decrease ph naturally.
No plants do not fade you just dont know how to properly down is usually overfeed.bottom up is underfeed

That’s really weird, in my experience, plants fade towards the end of their life
Also, not knowing how to feed would be relative to the situation. I use living soil, so I don’t really feed the plant, I feed the soil and the only time I see fading is when the pot isn’t big enough. That’s why the question was about the difference from the top to bottom or bottom to top fading.
I use soil, 3.0 blend and it’s pretty hot so you don’t even need to use nutrients if you don’t want to, water only works wonderfully
Its this one plant specifically , the others are killing it. I appreciate everyone who comes on here and tries to help other people instead of criticizing them. It’s really nice to be kind especially in such a niche community such as this.
I have attached some photos of the plants so you can see how they are doing. If you notice the second photo, it’s a lot lighter , that’s where the question comes from . If I show the whole grow, it will be very confusing because I do a lot of random experiments with . Pretty sure I solved the problem though, I didn’t use a big enough pot.
The last time I grew the same plant the only ones that faded were the larger of the bunch. The third photo is the last grow I did with the shoreline. The only thing I dont like about Living soil is that light intensity seems to limit me. I’ve used really small lights and grew them super slow and they came out better than anything I’ve ever seen, but the yield was ridiculously small. As soon as I crank up the power, I need a bigger pot. I’ve learned everything I know from doing it over and over, but still have a lot to go with the Living soil stuff, I was advanced nutrients and cocoa for many years
Hope you have a good day.


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cannabis can flower and still continue living after the seed formation its not a one year plant.
you can open a tread with shotglass grows and you will see full green plants because people feed them properly.
you are feeding them/soil doesn't matter you provide the nutrients. your soil was not designed for that long of a grow in a small container you would need to add teas to supplement but you are light green nothing critical that's still a healthy color. i would top dress some fresh soil or worm castings and not worry much plant looks healthy.
you have some tip burns on top of the leafs saying your soil was too hot at some point of the grow.

as you said yourself when you had a bigger plant yield suffered because the soil doesn't have enough to support a big can go with a bigger container that would be the simplest solution or you can buy some nutes, even the living soil guys supplement plants in flower.