Yellowing Tahoes What To Do Too Young.


Hey people I have a few tahoe og. They are yellowing from the two bottom leafs and looks very lite green. Seems like a lack of nitrogen. Anit they too small to start on nuts? Any advice? I been trying to post pics seem I can't do it from a phone.I don't want to kill so should I wait it out or feed them nuts?two bottom leafs dieing is this normal? Rest of plant and new groth vegry lite green. Oh yea my plants are 3 1/2 weeks old.


Active Member
You need to provide a bit more details my friend, and some pics if you can manage you have a grow journal?

Help us help you :)


Active Member
You need to provide a bit more details my friend, and some pics if you can manage you have a grow journal?
Is this soil or hydro? what nutes in what doses etc.... what are your PH readings?

Help us help you :)

Oops, sorry for double posting.


Active Member
from personal experience.. my bottom leaves tend to turn yellow and die/fall off because the plant is hella bushy, and they dont receive any light


ZCool thanks guy for responing.I am growing in ph is7.0 I use a mixture of. Grandmas marys organic compost and a half a bag of miracle gro potting soil which has nuts in but how I mixed more organic soil I don't think it use much of the nuti that come in miracle. Gro soil. I have not gave any other type of nuti due to the fact that thay are 3 1/2 weeks old don't want to burn them. Picture I will post soon. Can't do it from my phone.