That shroom guy
I have been researching for a while now. I have finally decided to start my first grow and I just used seeds I had saved over the course of 6 years. Good seeds only! With bags that had either really good taste and smell with hardly no seeds in the bag to the sad,brown,compressed donkey poo (My not so smart friend threw in) that has forced me to grow my own. So.. my question, is this just heat stress, pH issues and cal/mag deficiency or a virus infection?
Age: 20 day old seedlings.
Temp: 84 to 95 yes I know I have been struggling with heat just made a small A/C unit now 80 to 84.
Ph: Unknown, due to shipping problems I won't have a tester for another 5 days.
Lights: 300w LED 16/8 light cycle.
Watering: every 2 to 3 days with rain water only and a foliage spray of spring only.
Nutrients: Nothing but a tablespoon of epson salt I added to my 5 gallon rain water storage 2 waterings ago.
Pictures :

Substrate: Soil I mixed my self with home made with worm compost, blood meal,bone meal,peat moss,choir, vermiculite and perlite.
Age: 20 day old seedlings.
Temp: 84 to 95 yes I know I have been struggling with heat just made a small A/C unit now 80 to 84.
Ph: Unknown, due to shipping problems I won't have a tester for another 5 days.
Lights: 300w LED 16/8 light cycle.
Watering: every 2 to 3 days with rain water only and a foliage spray of spring only.
Nutrients: Nothing but a tablespoon of epson salt I added to my 5 gallon rain water storage 2 waterings ago.
Pictures :

Substrate: Soil I mixed my self with home made with worm compost, blood meal,bone meal,peat moss,choir, vermiculite and perlite.