Yellowing Tips On Sprouts.

id post pics if i could,but my camera is dead.
but the tips of my plants,they are about 3-4 weeks old,are beginning to yellow.
i heard from someone that its because im using tap water,which isnt inconceivable since tap water is very unhealthy for humans.
but i was wondering if theres anything i can do to help it?


bud bootlegger
yellowing of the leaves usually means lack of the element nitrogen as nitrogen is what the plants use to keep themselves nice and green...

you didn't mention if you have fed them at all yet, but if you have any kind of nutrients, go ahead and start using them now. i'd look at what it says on the bottle, and cut that by 1/4, and use that amount only.. about every week or so you can go ahead and bump it up by another 1/4 till either you get to full strength or the leaves start to show signs of nutrient burn, ie, crispy and just basically burnt looking in general.. if they reach burn before you get to full strength, back off the nutes some from when they burned and continue at that dose...
you can also get some worm castings, and mix them with some water and spray them on the leaves and this will also help.. you could also feed them with the water / worm castings mix and it should also help some..
ahhh,okk thank you very much.ill try an see if my friend has any nutes.
i was gonna try and grow it naturally,but ive learned that its not possible.sadly,because i really dont have money,whatsoever.:/
thats why i was growing.