Yellowing to early in flower!


New Member
Okay so this is my outdoor plant. Its 4 weeks into flower and its been yellowing from the bottom up for about a week now ive already pulled a shit load of yellow leaves off that came off witha very slight tug. im using jacks classic nutes and i gave it a 1/4 tsp of the 20-20-20 the other day to give it a lil nitro boost but it didnt seem to help its working its way up the plant very fast please help. it also looks like it has a slight bit of nute burn on the tips of the leaves at the top of the canopy. what do you guys think i should do?

also i have the same strain bagseed growing in the same soil getting fed the same etc. that is indoors and it is not having this problem.


New Member
could it be because i force flowered it ? i put it in dark for 12 hours everyday and back out for 12 hours does the plant think the seasons coming to an end or something ?


Well-Known Member
feed it for sure... diffrnt plants require diffrnt amounts of nutes that's why the other one is fine.....also remember bigger plants eat more


Well-Known Member
when people say 1/4 strength nutes they mean for a seedling that's just starting on the bottle, or they just don't know why they say it and are parroting what they have read. either way you have to watch what the plant is doing and feed it accordingly yellowing from the bottom up feed it try a half tsp next time I would probably go with whatever the bottle recommends at this point, 1 tsp. I would imagine


Well-Known Member
or they just don't know why they say it and are parroting what they have read.
Depends on the nute... I've never had any that directed so high that 1/4 strength worked all the way through. Usually it more like 1/2 strength... but... burning your plants a little doesn't improve anything. If anything it hurts it.

Most plants want lots of nutes earlier in flower... When they are stretching out and do not have large flowers yet... It's funny, because on many nute schedule they start you off low then go high... Ime, it's the opposite.

OP's plants look like they want more feed. In the end if the plant wants more you give it more, if it is all green'd up give it less.