Yellowing with spots spreading on lower fan leaves :(


What up fellow cann friends?
I have what was thought to be Purple Gorilla in 2nd week of flowering outdoors in Bay Area, CA. Grown in Kellogs Organic Soil and fert with all organics and watered with pure R.O. Each watering during flowering, apx every 3-4 days, I'm giving her a tea: Bat Guano (N), SulPo, CalMag, super bloom (pot, Z, Cal) and black strap Molasses. She started Yellowing a tad last week on the smaller and fan leaves near the bottom. Now the infamous small copper color dots appear on almost half the lower fan leaves. There is small frying between the serrated edges on the leaves. Although I have these hiccups the flowers are growing and multiplying. :-P:leaf:

Now... I do a lot of reading on and know the yellowing is from low N and common in flowering. The dying serrated edges and spots can be from low CalMag but i tried upping that dosage and still getting spreading of spots. I'm almost sure its not over fertilized because I dilute the tea and use all organic.
Please let me know what you all think and what you would do. She is strong, tall, and I don't want her flowers to suffer due to dead fan leaves and my ignorance.P1050916.jpgP1050917.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like the PH is off, that'll stop the plant from being able to take in nutrients.


Even though itsan organic tea watering with it every watering on yourschedule could be 3 feedings in a little over aweek. Use your tea oncea week maybe. see if it eases up at all


Well-Known Member
with a low-moderate amount of organic nutes in the soil, feeding with teas maybe... 3-4 times in the plant's whole life cycle is often plenty


Thanks for all of the help everyone. From now on I'll moderate the nute dosage and schedule. I'll post again next week for an update.
Potassium deficiency, IMHO.

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Edit: Potassium isn't absorbed properly when there is too much calcium or nitrogen in the system. If you think this is more likely, check the pH of your water, and flush your whole system with water that contains half the normal amount of nutrients and see if your plant starts showing signs of improvement.


cool thanks. I'm giving it two waterings without nutes to see if it worsens or gets better.I had been fertilizing each time and think it caught up to her. However the flowers are multiplying and already thickening up.