Yes Or No ?


Active Member
2 - 3 plants in a small closet. soil grown, will this be enough if i get two of each of them ?

well how about this if i get two of them for 2 -3 plants and then get warm sepctrum for flowering ?

ONE - 2ft T5 High Output GROW BULB - F24HO 6400K Daylight Spectrum

Single Two Foot T5 Fluorescent lamp - Grow Spectrum
This is a 24 watt T5 high output bulb that produces 2000 lumens. 6400K DAYLIGHT GROW SPECTRUM for compact, lush vegetative plant growth!

ONE - 2ft T5 High Output BLOOM BULB - F24HO 3000K Warm Spectrum

One 2' High Output T5 bulbs. 3000K WARM "BLOOM" SPECTRUM BULBS. These AGROMAX Brand Premium High Output Horticultural T5 Fluorescent bulb - the best on the market! Made specifically for growing plants


Active Member
i know t-5s are good for veg but i really dont know what kind of yeild you would have when done flowering ....... let me know how it works out for you good luck


Well-Known Member
yeah you are probably not gonna get much from that... they dont give off any lumens, well some but not enough for flowering... 2ft t5 gives off about 400 at an inch away if that (depending on brand, color temperature, etc.)...400w hps give off more than 2000 at 16 inches away... 23w CFL gives off about 700-1000 at an inch away (depending on brand, color temperature, etc.)... that was just from readouts from my light meter not scientific fact... but i think alot of people would agree to some extent... so im gonna say NO


Active Member
allright well thanks for your advice, what should i use then, i dont have a very big space and the only info on lighting i can get is for multiple plants, im not a big time grower just a hobbiest so anything for 2 - 3 plants would be nice, i.e. cheap effective, safe and idiot proof


Well-Known Member
at the least you would need 2 or 3 23w CFLs for each plant, depending on how you set things up