yet another newbie question.... How many plants should I put in my veg chamber?

Hey guys sorry if this seems like an over-asked question I just couldn't find a good answer on any other forums or google searches, so no assinine comments about that shit because I did take the time to try and look

Anyways haha, I was wondering first of all if there is a good thread on here for a vegging room specifically?

If not, How many plants do you think I could keep vegging under a 600w mh in a 4x4 room. They would be transferred in every week so It wouldn't be a bunch of the same size plants. My Idea was to move about 2 every week and then veg them for 4-6 weeks. So I would have around 10-12 different sized plants. The oldest would be anywhere from 8-10 weeks from propagation or day one of cloning, these would be ready to move to flowering.
And then the youngest would be only 2-3 weeks old from clone/seedling stage and they would be the new ones moved in every week. I would obviously even the canopy out with buckets and stacks of other materials.

If a 600w isn't good for 10-12 then going by 8'000 lumens per plant at least I would need a 80'000-96'000 lumen source, which doesn't make sense because with the efficiency of a light mover my friend grows around 10-12 with one 600 watt comfortably he says, but I can't afford a light mover for my flowering AND veg room so I guess the inefficient stationary lamp will have to do.

anyone have a good opinion?


Well-Known Member
For vegging that 600W is fine. When you see people really getting in about the lumen thing its for flowering. Look at the people having good results vegging under CFL's and T5 fixtures.