Yield Amount?


Hey everyone, I have been reading on Nirvana / Attitude about their seeds output yield... it says 400 - 500 grams per Meter Squared.

My grow box is 12sq ft / 6 feet tall ... I am wondering how I should grow to obtain this high output... should I do like 5 bigger plants under my 600watt hps? Or should i do a bunch of small plants?

If the later is better (SOG) how many plants per square foot ... and at what heigth should I throw them into flowering?

Thank you for the help guys
Thats mostly an average on a year cycle i think. i got a 2x4x7 with a 1000w in it 7 plants. Ill let you know what i got. Veg 2 months Flower 2 months


Well-Known Member
Belive me if you can get this ammount from a illegal grow then you need to tell me how you did it.I always have about 2/3 1/2.I realy think that these are talking about the wet weights i have never known anyone get that ammount of one plant.I would do about 4 plants under the light that you have and flower at about a ft and 1/2 this should give you at least a ounce and harf per plant dry.But the trouble with new growers is that they exspect too much.Be happy with a quarter pound or harf a pound dry.But don't think by adding more plants that you are doing you any favours the less plants in the grow room the more lumans the plants will recive.


Well-Known Member
I think they like to keep the numbers high to look good and I am sure some ppl can but you have to be good.
Good luck