You can't fix slow...


Well-Known Member
And you can't fix stupid. But you can sure try.

Everyone has that one or two or dozen or more coworkers that are lazy, slow, etc. What are some creative ways you'd help the workflow situation?

In anything that goes on.

For me, I work with a lazy dishwasher. She also lives far away from work so every time she did a sub par job before her off day (all the time) I'd call her at her house and make her drive all the way up to work to clean and run the last 5-6 loads of dishes she always skips (she complains if I leave 1 spoon but she herself leaves full tubs of silverwares)

So go ahead and vent.
how bout givin her the benefit of the doubt....and maybe a packed bowl on her break. a little kindness goes a long way mike.

This would be a very good point except...
Firstly she doesn't smoke.
Secondly she does it on purpose. To make a long story short, she complains about EVERYTHING I do there. If I leave one plate, two little bowls... Complain.
Here's an idea of how she works.
Yesterday there was an explosion across the street (200 meter flames and I missed it!) We closed at 1 and left at 3. So with there being no business and two full hours to close, you'd think it would be "spotless" the way she makes me do it.
There was a half inch thick sludge of sink crud. In all four sinks. There was 125+ cups. There were 110+ little bowls (in the dirty smelly yesterday water. And I had a sink full of dirty dishes. Now remember... Explosion + zero customers since 12 + close of store at 1. That should = 0 dirtiness. It did not.

My way of dealing with it tho... Once when we were closing, I noticed her on her phone instead of working. I finished my work, and then told the other cook I was not going to help her. So both cooks stood and watched as she texted for 30 minutes, and then his all the dirty dishes in a sink full of water.

The next morning I got both kitchen managers over to the sink and said look at this shit. This is what I come into when I wash dishes. Since day #1. She complains about me, but nothing I have done was this bad. And this isn't even the worst.
So they talked to her.

All that happened was she's stopped complaining that I don't do a good job. She hasn't improved any.

I have to leave the kitchen on the busy days to wash dishes with her just so we don't run outta dishes.

And that's why I think you can't fix lazy or stupid. But you can sure try!

I befriended my slow tech, he goes faster now because he knows I hate when things go slow.. No words where exchanged about his pace ever. I also say thanks that was fast if it was. I go positive in those situations

Ive done this in situations. We used to have a dishwasher that was even slower than Maria, whenever I would help him, he'd go and bust out the phone, and sit down like he earned a break or something. We had to get rid of him because he thought he was the fastest dishwasher ever and he was incredibly slow
Not much you can do nobody is going to become or stay as a dishwasher if they can do a good job the pays shit and the work is shit even cooking sucks better than dishes though. Their is a reason any idiot can get a job as a dishwasher they can't keep a good one.
They pay the dishwasher 1000$ every two weeks untaxed money. That's pretty good for the work
damn she should be speed cleaning those dishes.. when i was bartending.. during the day we also served food. i used to give the dishwasher a few bucks when i came in and told him to hit my stuff first. he'd come out all happy and even put all the bar stuff away for me. just got to be nice to those dishwashers
What about that weird fuck who always has to grab your nipples when he puts away the cups? How do ya fix that?