You ever drink so much you have a hangover for literally almost a week?


Well-Known Member
I did. I do. I'm done (for a while). I almost checked myself into a hospital instead of the airport on monday. I thought I was going to get a dui on my way to the airport even though I hadn't drank in 12 hrs prior and then sweat it out the whole time there. It was bad. I flew out of West Palm Int Florida and had to fly into NYK before returning to Long Beach Ca. Longest day of my life. :dunce:
yes, al the time. ive had hangovers wehre i felt i might never be well again lol. i quit drinking 5x in the last 2 months...
I puked on the plane on my way home from my honeymoon...right on the people infront of warning at all, just:spew:.

I've been hungover for a good three days before...more than once.
im about to break into some pumpkin ales. thats how seriously i take quitting drinking. first i will smoke some more bud. this whole day has been a loss. i haven't accomplished anything.


Here we call that a hebben. Named after a friend of ours that will drink with us then disappear for days sometimes weeks to recuperate.
this is exactly why i was never a big fan of drinking. fuck, i hate being hung over. ... one time my boy and i drank a fifth of jameson to the head and i had to go to court the next day.. the whole time i was sitting in court i was waiting for me to puke all over the benches and shit.. my god, it was the worst day of my life, well almost, lol..
but yah, this is why i always preferred drugs over booze any day of the week as i found i could do drugs all night and pretty much wake up the next day feeling fine...
another reason why bud's much better than booze as well imho... :)
I used to have a problem with tequila man I hated the few day hangovers now I just stick to bud and beer sometimes throw in a benzo to give the beer a kick.
yes, al the time. ive had hangovers wehre i felt i might never be well again lol. i quit drinking 5x in the last 2 months...

Every time I've gotten wasted on Tequila I swear I'm never drinking that shit again...One of the worste ones we were making toast. Took 10 shots back to back. I was fine while I was sitting there, and we were talking for what felt like half an hour, and I wanted some water...I should have made someone else get it... The rest of the night is kinda hazy...I remember at one point holding on to grass because the world was spinning, the next day I kept drinking water but my head felt like it was going to explode, felt a little better the next day, damn...shit was horrible. Said I would never drink that shit again. A couple of months later me and some friends had a tequila night...†LOL† I swear I don't fucking learn.
Every time I've gotten wasted on Tequila I swear I'm never drinking that shit again...One of the worste ones we were making toast. Took 10 shots back to back. I was fine while I was sitting there, and we were talking for what felt like half an hour, and I wanted some water...I should have made someone else get it... The rest of the night is kinda hazy...I remember at one point holding on to grass because the world was spinning, the next day I kept drinking water but my head felt like it was going to explode, felt a little better the next day, damn...shit was horrible. Said I would never drink that shit again. A couple of months later me and some friends had a tequila night...†LOL† I swear I don't fucking learn.

lol, i think everyone who's ever gotten really drunk, has at least one good story about tequila.. i swear, i don't know how people drink that shit all of the time.. i got wrecked on it one night, and now i can't even get it past my nose..