You ever think of this?


Well-Known Member
One day in the recent past, by geologic time anyway, your dad fucked your mother. He shot upwards of a million sperm cells into her and one of them got to her egg first (a veritable Michael Phelps type of sperm cell), and YOU are here! What if he got stuck in traffic and fucked her two hours later? You're NOT here.
I think the chances that any of us are here is a fucking miracle, beyond calculable happenstance.
Any thoughts on this?

Yeah...there's nothing like home made hash!
One day in the recent past, by geologic time anyway, your dad fucked your mother. He shot upwards of a million sperm cells into her and one of them got to her egg first (a veritable Michael Phelps type of sperm cell), and YOU are here! What if he got stuck in traffic and fucked her two hours later? You're NOT here.
I think the chances that any of us are here is a fucking miracle, beyond calculable happenstance.
Any thoughts on this?

Yeah...there's nothing like home made hash!

I think just the opposite. you are not special.
there were millions of sperm.
If it wasn't one it woulda been another.
you were just the one that shot out first.

your post reminded me of this pic i first saw in the lol thread


I hope you read more than the HASH part of the thread. If so, I have planted an idea in your head that will dog you till the end of you days..... if you're a thinking person.
I mean that in the nicest of ways.
The chances that any singular particular reality coming about in the multiverse is only very small, almost small enough to be a fucking miracle but definitely calculable happenstance.

That is why there are an infinite number of them.


Shut Up And Vote
I think just the opposite. you are not special.
there were millions of sperm.
If it wasn't one it woulda been another.
you were just the one that shot out first.

your post reminded me of this pic i first saw in the lol thread


We don't disagree at all. My point is that we're not not at all special. We're all just a cosmic we should enjoy the fact that we exist against all odds.
The chances that any singular particular reality coming about in the multiverse is only very small, almost small enough to be a fucking miracle but definitely calculable happenstance.

That is why there are an infinite number of them.

Yes....but when the number of chances approach infinity it might just as well be infinity. We're all just fucking lucky to exist at all. So...smoke 'em if you got 'em. And enjoy!
One day in the recent past, by geologic time anyway, your dad fucked your mother. He shot upwards of a million sperm cells into her and one of them got to her egg first (a veritable Michael Phelps type of sperm cell), and YOU are here! What if he got stuck in traffic and fucked her two hours later? You're NOT here.
I think the chances that any of us are here is a fucking miracle, beyond calculable happenstance.
Any thoughts on this?

Yeah...there's nothing like home made hash!
just be glad your mom didn't cecide to swallow you!
ive always thought who gives a dam if you were never born you never would have known anyway....
ive always thought who gives a dam if you were never born you never would have known anyway....

Aaah.....a thinker! For all of infinity, until 60 years ago, I didn't exist. Did not bother me one bit! I think it's the same when you die. Not gonna bother me at all.
just be glad your mom didn't cecide to swallow you!

i just had a flash of the millions of kids i could of had if i didnt love blow jobs so much...

thank god for head.

on another note im with the guy who said who cares youd never know. quantom physics is ten-fold more insane. watch what the bleep do we know. it blew my mind sober before i ever even smoked weed.