you wont beleave this

un fucking beleavible listen to this shit
I own a home and i started growing a few plants 400 watthps and ebband flow. i have a renter who is a total pothead. my first grow was great but there were problems with renter he is a paranoid ass. anyway the second grow was going along great i was in the second week of flowering. he told me that he had been going into the grow room and turning on the light to look at the plants. i asked him not to do that. today i went into my room and saw that one of my plants had turned hermie had an open flower. my renter walkes up behind me,i point out the hermie ,he grabes the plant looks at it, i ask him not to touch the plant cause hes gonna seed my whole crop. the asshole laughs then shakes the plant hard! pollen goes everywhere!what a dick! anyway long story short i destroyed 4 females and now im not growing anymore. i got a grow setup for sale in orlando if anyone is interisted also i got 5 feminised ppp seeds stil in origional package


Well-Known Member
Seriously I'd dump that ahole just for being a prick and doing things you specifically told him not to, then grow later.


Well-Known Member
what sucks is you really can't do anything about it. He kinda has you by the balls. You shouldn't have let him know about the room.


yea, i would have chin checkd him. was he drunk or sumthn? i would definately keep the equipment and get him outta there.
yeah, if you told this ass to NOT do something and he still did it respect, unless its family....get rid of em, and get back to the plants lol

naked gardener

Active Member
yeah, what a dick...i don't think i would like this person very much anymore....first he turned on lights during dark to SEE YOUR plants?? wtf? caused them to hermie--already grounds for an ass beating--then shook the afflicted plants in some distorted, what? attempt at humor?? To prove 'he don't give no fuck'????????

No offense--but this may have been the best outcome for you--you don't want to be growing mj with someone like that living w you--ruining your crop beats ruining your life--and dude doesn't seem to have the respect or the smarts to be up in your shit--(unless of course you are also a punk ass kid or (not saying you are, but lest we be judged by the company we keep...)......anyway, sorry bout what happened....i keep my dumbass friends away from my personal business (and my close, more intelligent friends as well...)

I agree w the others---get rid of the a-hole and restart your garden--plants pay more rent than roommates!!!

Straight up G

New Member
un fucking beleavible listen to this shit
I own a home and i started growing a few plants 400 watthps and ebband flow. i have a renter who is a total pothead. my first grow was great but there were problems with renter he is a paranoid ass. anyway the second grow was going along great i was in the second week of flowering. he told me that he had been going into the grow room and turning on the light to look at the plants. i asked him not to do that. today i went into my room and saw that one of my plants had turned hermie had an open flower. my renter walkes up behind me,i point out the hermie ,he grabes the plant looks at it, i ask him not to touch the plant cause hes gonna seed my whole crop. the asshole laughs then shakes the plant hard! pollen goes everywhere!what a dick! anyway long story short i destroyed 4 females and now im not growing anymore. i got a grow setup for sale in orlando if anyone is interisted also i got 5 feminised ppp seeds stil in origional package
Dont stop growing, get that retard out or move or beat him.


Well-Known Member
Edit- misread the situation, either way homeslice shouldn't have known bout the grow.. How did you not hit him? You must be quite forgiving..