Young leaves cupping/curling


Active Member
Not really sure why this is happening, but it seems that new young leaves are starting to curl down but still staying green.Is this too much water or nuts?
Could someone please help.These are about 3 weeks into flowering, and for the most part their doing well but having a problem figuring out why they are curling down and cupping.
Any help would be great.



Well-Known Member
Yep, that looks like overfeeding to me. Maybe too much water too, but the overfert is a definite.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the same issue i'm having but a lot worse. What type of water are you using, tap water or are you using ro water? Also how strong are you mixing your nutes?


Active Member
I'm using RO water, PH between 6.3-6.8, I think your right about the over fert./over watering I kind of thought that in the beginning.Cause it started around the second feeding.
I'll flush, then cut back on the nutes.sensitive strain for sure.
Thanks guys~