Young Plants Growing Yellow


Active Member
Hello everyone i hope everone is having a great weekend.

the situtation:
im growing purple power and some free seeds the seed bank sent me. when they were growing in the little jiffy pellets they were green and growing strong. i transplanted them into a 1 part worm casting 1 part miricle grow and 1 part regular soil mix and now all the leaves are comming out yellow withe the edges curled up wards. the upwards thing is happening mostly to the purple power. the uknown seed is just growing really wide yellow leaves. from what i gathered i think im over watering the plants. please let me know what im doing wrong

this is the purple power going yellow

this is the side view of the purple power growing yellow

this is the uknown seed growing yellow

Oh ya im about 2 weeks into growing and its under a 24 hour fluo light
this same things happening to me, except on one leaf, only one of the leafs is yellow and withery, the others are green and chillin.


Well-Known Member
theyre too young to have any major major issues. for some reason ALOT of my seedlings start off yellow, but by the first 3 weeks they look for lush and green. give them plenty of light. the biggest mistake you can make right now is over watering. less is more. wait atleast 2 weeks before you give em any nutes. happy growing.!


Active Member
i just found some gnats flying around my plants, and my unknown seedling cant support hole its own weight anymore. could there be larva eating up what little roots i have? should i just start my grow over?