Young plants looking fairly healthy except for hanging leaves


I vegged these plants in a closet with 60w of LED first for two weeks. Then I moved them into my friends grow 1m x 1m grow tent with 400w hps.

Now they have been there for 1-2 weeks and the growth is OK but the leaves are really hanging low. The problem should not be over watering because they have been watered every 3-4 days and the soil have dried out completely between watering.

I dont think it should be nute burn either because they are being fed bio canna veg + cannazym at normal rates.

The temp is usually around 21-24 but the humidity is way to low, around 20-30%. Could this be it? I know that optimal humidity should be much higher but I have grown plants in 25-35% humidity in my LED closet and have never had these symptoms.

The strain is OG Kush 18 x Skunk #1.

We are setting up a reptile cage humidifer as soon as possible but we really need some tips asap as this is probably stunting growth :-(

(plants were topped right before we took the pictures)

There is a fan in the tent blowing decent on the plants. I cant imagine too much wind could cause this? It is lowering the humidity though so we might
turn it really low/away from the plants anyway.

There is also some brown/yellow spots on a couple of the leafes. Only visible on one of the pictures.

Any help much appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Well it certainly didn't look very good...the parts that were topped were they pretty yellow?


Well-Known Member
and look really closely at the tips of the leaves...are any of them like slightly brown on the very very tip? If so then just feed them plain water every once in awhile. Like at the next water give only water.


Active Member
NICE CATCH ( use plain water only if in soil or organic meduim rockwool and other inert meduim for example if given pure water r.o. disstilled the sudden drop in osmostic pressure will cause damage to fine root hairs by cell rupture)


and look really closely at the tips of the leaves...are any of them like slightly brown on the very very tip? If so then just feed them plain water every once in awhile. Like at the next water give only water.
We made clones so I will update with pics tomorrow, cant really remember now. Thanks!

NICE CATCH ( use plain water only if in soil or organic meduim rockwool and other inert meduim for example if given pure water r.o. disstilled the sudden drop in osmostic pressure will cause damage to fine root hairs by cell rupture)
You lost me half way here? :)

And I guess since there isnt too much yellowing it probably isnt too high pH? It is a little high out of the faucet but it drops after a day or two..
My plant was kind of droopy like this and it turned out to be underwatering. A while after watering the leaves started to perk up from the top down. and my leaf tips looked a little bit deformed like yours, the same way they're turning and folding kind of. I'm fairly sure this is from a pH imbalance, causing lockout. It explains the curling tips as well as the brown spots. I just invested in a pH kit and found out my watering schedule was fucking my plant up because every other watering I add nutes and it drops the pH significantly. Everything I've been reading on pH basically says to feed your plant about the same pH'd water every time, so going from distilled water at 7.0 to less than 6 pH every other waterering started to take a toll on my plant. Just my 2 cents maybe it'll help you out too.


Well-Known Member
putting clones in mineral water, before you put clone gel/powder on stem,and put em in starter plugs/root roit/rockwool, will increase survival rate and give em a great boost,give them distilled or just plain water ph'd at 6.5 on your next feed make sure your not over watering( water when pots are light,easy to lift)


Well-Known Member
My plant was kind of droopy like this and it turned out to be underwatering. A while after watering the leaves started to perk up from the top down. and my leaf tips looked a little bit deformed like yours, the same way they're turning and folding kind of. I'm fairly sure this is from a pH imbalance, causing lockout. It explains the curling tips as well as the brown spots. I just invested in a pH kit and found out my watering schedule was fucking my plant up because every other watering I add nutes and it drops the pH significantly. Everything I've been reading on pH basically says to feed your plant about the same pH'd water every time, so going from distilled water at 7.0 to less than 6 pH every other waterering started to take a toll on my plant. Just my 2 cents maybe it'll help you out too.
Underwatering = leafs curl down from the stem , the stem droops not the leaf

Overwatering = The actual leafs curl down , often likened to a "Monster Claw"

Your welcome :joint:


Guess what? We re-measured the pH and it showed 8.0(!). It seems that pH changes alot where we live. Watered and sprayed them with some 6.3 water today without any nutrients. Will update when they hopefully are good and perky :)


It loooks like the last watering have been helpfull! :)

However we found a couple of "balls" that we think might be male pre flowers. Dont know if the picture is clear enough.



Well-Known Member
PH of water dosent mean dick, measure the PH of the soil because thats all that matters. if the soil PH is fine then it dosent matter what PH the water is the soil is going to buffer it to the same PH as the soil....

you plants look thirsty


The plants are coming along. Allthough some of the leaves are a bit wrinkly and green. Here is some pics of the one with the suspected male pre flowers.

Here are some pics of the most promising plant. Withouth male pre flowers for the time being. The new sprouts are curling and wrinkling a bit. What could this be?



Well-Known Member
hey bro you can always just keep plucking the balls off too, it looks like by correcting your ph help:)


Well-Known Member
When you top you do get some drooping from the plants being in shock
from having their heads cut off some plants take it hard than others
Are you checking your ph and ppms using a meter don't worry about the dirt's
ph cause you don't have to! just make sure your nutes/waterings are 6.5 going in don't worry
bout the runoff I'm thinking you're underfeeding how many ppms are you feeding
for dose


hey bro you can always just keep plucking the balls off too, it looks like by correcting your ph help:)
I dont want a male plant?

When you top you do get some drooping from the plants being in shock
from having their heads cut off some plants take it hard than others
Are you checking your ph and ppms using a meter don't worry about the dirt's
ph cause you don't have to! just make sure your nutes/waterings are 6.5 going in don't worry
bout the runoff I'm thinking you're underfeeding how many ppms are you feeding
for dose
No idea about PPM, this is soil. Just following the standard feeding scheduele for canna.


Well-Known Member
I dont want a male plant?

not saying its a male just saying you can just keep plucking off the balls off IF it is a hermie, when i had that problem back when i first started due to light leak and too much stress i just kept plucking the balls off every 2 days or so , and eventually it stopped. talking from experience this was a purple urkle, and so far i havnt came across a plant not like getting topped but some plants indeed do not like HST you can always do some LST like tying them down if you ever came across that problem,it also increases your tops as well