your bagseed experiences...

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
lets hear from you...the people who have actually grown bagseeds... is it even worth it when a reputable seed is only 5-10 bucks??


Active Member
i guess that depends on how much you like the bag it came from? i know that the grow i am working on at the moment is bagseed, but i was pretty happy with the bag that started it all.

if it was legal in the US, i would totally order some seeds and grow some amazing buds, and then have a mother plant to keep around. but for now, i have to keep it low key.


Well-Known Member
I have grown killer mexi brick bag seed an had great pot from em.
One hazy lookn mama was just as good as any kind Ive had.
They are great for getting your thumb green.
I include bag seed in most of my grows, along with some kind.
They are the guinne pigs,lol.
Often they come from kind bud with a hermi an the seeds are female.
Hybrid vigor often makes out grow the kind seed in veg.

But you dont know how long theyll flower
It could end up quite different than it mama.
It could be male.


Well-Known Member
My bagseed is just mexican brickweed, but getting ready to order some good seeds if I can learn enough not to screw them up. I will be getting a HPS light too. I have been real excited to get up every morning to see if my girls have grown, like a kid in a candy store. For a old fart I have been having a ball growing my plants, it's just for me would hate to have to grow for a bunch of people. My 1 hope out of all of this is to be able to grow some pot to kick my ass. I have been smoking mexican weed so long can't remeber what that maui waui was like years195.jpg ago I just know there is a difference. LOL Here is what I have right now they are 5 weeks into flowering and look good to me gives me hope, lol168.jpg


Active Member
My bagseed is just mexican brickweed, but getting ready to order some good seeds if I can learn enough not to screw them up. I will be getting a HPS light too. I have been real excited to get up every morning to see if my girls have grown, like a kid in a candy store. For a old fart I have been having a ball growing my plants, it's just for me would hate to have to grow for a bunch of people. My 1 hope out of all of this is to be able to grow some pot to kick my ass. I have been smoking mexican weed so long can't remeber what that maui waui was like yearsView attachment 1360762 ago I just know there is a difference. LOL Here is what I have right now they are 5 weeks into flowering and look good to me gives me hope, lolView attachment 1360760
Mexican brick weed has some GREAT genetics. What a lot of people dont seem to get is genetics is only ~30% of the role in making good bud. Most of what makes good bud is how it was grown, dried, cured, and stored. Also that plant doesnt look like the typical mexican brick weed, too much indica in that plant. They grow sativas down there


Well-Known Member
Mexican brick weed has some GREAT genetics. What a lot of people dont seem to get is genetics is only ~30% of the role in making good bud. Most of what makes good bud is how it was grown, dried, cured, and stored. Also that plant doesnt look like the typical mexican brick weed, too much indica in that plant. They grow sativas down there
Well I have never grown before so I didn't know alot till I started reading here. I had some seeds come up on the back porch last year didn't do much but water every once and a while dryed it(1 1/2 oz) cured it and smoked the hell out of it. I thought I was Johnny Potseed but found out I needed to know a little more. LOL Oh the pot I have been getting the same shit about 3or 4 years from my nephew he works a lot of mexicans and that is where it comes from so iI guessed mexican pot and some times it is hard as a brick, lol. I will do my best in your honor sir thanks