Your best bet to grow your own is.....FAIL the LP's Pick Pick Pick

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Don't buy LP greed laced weed if you can at all avoid it. It's grown with zero love or concern.
Only grown to fleece you outta needed money.
you see harper and his gang of assholes see marijuana as " hey look at all their money "

Before only jail was good enough for lovers of your new use is too make them rich

How sick does that make you...think about it for a second. Before they would ruin ( court/jail ) your life. Now...all they need is the/your money.

That is the MOST disgusting thing about these type of people...they pray on anyone they can to make a dollar on .......

Seriously folks, get your weed anywhere else.

They all got into it on the promise of the existing patient base of the mmar. All our souls and cash was in the gun sights of HC and the greed bags who fell for it. Because they all don't understand the culture of MJ and MMJ. They think were all just sittin waiting to be saved by them and their little weed factories. Well apparently not eh...not going so well for the corp boys. I'm so proud of helping in their total failures by never buying a thing from it !!! They can build it, I'm just not coming. lol to much fun being a subversive prick.
We run this deal mr harper and mr LP's not you. Weed isn't in your future I'm afraid because of who you all are....late comers and greed bags profiteers.
HOW's it going for you LP's out there....scared yet......

I can't be forced and am gonna sing songs at their demise.....and I helped...sweet
It's not looking good for the market in general with LP's growing and being able to off the SHRAPNEL!
AAA is going to go up.... due to demand!
Well even their top shelf is below BM quality so they will at least supply schwagg to all the kids this summer lol
Hoping to see one get caught...this would make my day.