Your first high!!


Well-Known Member
i thought this might be a fun thread. i havent searched for a similar thread and it might be posted all ready but i havent seen it.

so when did your first smoke, how old were you? how was the high like? how much did you smoke?



Well-Known Member
I was 15 i think. over at my older brothers house. i always hung out with him and his friends. they ALWAYS smoked. every where we were, whatever we were doing. they were toking up. and i always just passed the pipe. never took a rip. some of the guys would tell me to hit it. but my bro was always the first one saying. 'leave him the fuck alone, hes 15 he'll rip it when he wants to.' so that went on for probably 5-6 months. then one day i jsut felt the urge it give it a try...i coughed and coughed and coughed and coughed. i think i only took like 3 hits and was FUCKING LIT!! he was dealing at the time and always had chron. so from that day on i was always toking with them. when he stopped dealing and i had to start buying on my own. i was like wtf is this. it just some mids. but i had never seen any before. i was disgusted, didnt even think it was weed. but it did the trick. nothing but chron these days tho.


Active Member
I was 18, and it wasn't that great. Might as well have smoked oregano, although it was very smooth. I'm just a suggestive person, so my mind made me feel SOMETHING... definitely not a high though.

HOWEVER... my friend made me say "pink elephant" to see if I laughed. I said it. No smile.. No laugh.. Perfectly straight face. For all of about a second, then I couldn't stop laughing for about a minute.


There's treachery afoot
I was in the seventh grade at a RUSH concert in Pittsburgh PA, smoked a joint laced with opium with some people I met there. I was pretty out of it the rest of the night and really don't remember much. It was a long time ago, you know, back in the old days when you could openly smoke cigs and grass at concerts cause everyone was smoking and it ws simply to hard to figure out who to ahhhh, why did it all have to change........things were so cool back in the 70's and 80's:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
what are you talking about.!!??? everyone is still blazin at concerts!!! not just blazin either, everything you can think of is going on at 'most' concerts. youve been going to osmonds concerts, havent you?


There's treachery afoot
Never been to an Osmonds concert but you seem rather familiar with their protocol. Back in the 70's and 80's the smoke was so thick at most concerts (Rush, Rolling Stones, Grateful Dead, etc) that it was hard to see the stage. Now you are forced to hide in a bathroom or outside, you simply can't openly smoke like back then. Now you all hold up cell phones to light up the floor, nothing like watching Skynard play Freebird Live with 10,000 bic lighters flickering in the crowd. Just a different experience man. Not to say concerts are not good now, as technology and sound capabilites have come along way, but the experience has DEFINATELY changed.


Active Member
I agree. I'm not old enough to remember much from the 80's, and certainly wasn't ever at any concerts... but it does sound amazing. :(


Well-Known Member
I was in the seventh grade at a RUSH concert in Pittsburgh PA, smoked a joint laced with opium with some people I met there. I was pretty out of it the rest of the night and really don't remember much. It was a long time ago, you know, back in the old days when you could openly smoke cigs and grass at concerts cause everyone was smoking and it ws simply to hard to figure out who to ahhhh, why did it all have to change........things were so cool back in the 70's and 80's:mrgreen:
I saw Ozzy and Pink Floyd in the burg! Ozzy was at the civic arena and Floyd played at 3 rivers stadium! what a blast!


There's treachery afoot
I was at Floyd at three rivers...hell we probably got high
what the the name of the old theater that used to have concerts. They knocked it down long ago. I think the last band I saw there was the kinks so it has been a long time.


Well-Known Member
syria mosque - saw the psychedelic furs there... i think the Floyd show was in the late 80's. - what a ball we had - trippin' and smokin' and drinkin'



Well-Known Member
I was 12 - shared a joint with a friend - didn't feel anything.
ya, the first time i smoked i didnt feel anything either. if you didnt get high the first time, then what was the second high like? this is a general question and not directed towards you email. :blsmoke::peace:


There's treachery afoot
ok, now I remember, The Mosque...sometimes I think I still have only about six brain cells still holding hands, could NOT remember the name.:-?

syria mosque - saw the psychedelic furs there... i think the Floyd show was in the late 80's. - what a ball we had - trippin' and smokin' and drinkin'



Well-Known Member
ya, the first time i smoked i didnt feel anything either. if you didnt get high the first time, then what was the second high like? this is a general question and not directed towards you email. :blsmoke::peace:
I'll answer anyway - it wasn't too much longer after the first time smoking. i was smoking out of an apple and it was just before school. i recall finally feeling it and being very happy and up.

kind of like how i feel now!


Active Member
I'll answer anyway - it wasn't too much longer after the first time smoking. i was smoking out of an apple and it was just before school. i recall finally feeling it and being very happy and up.

kind of like how i feel now!

Oh my god I smoked out of an apple a couple weeks ago. Got a little high... Took a bite into the "bowl" and BAM. One of my best highs ever!


Rebel From The North
the first time I got a contact high I was 1 1/2 years old lol my uncle was
cheifing and blowing hits in my face, my father came in cought my uncle
and let me say he got a beat down. Hard to believe but its true story,
my first time self meding I was 16 I felt nothing, after that day i was geting so
Irey Id be couch stoned, now It take some super kind stuff to get me off
like back in the day:joint:


Well-Known Member
I was in like 5th grade so ill say 11 and I had a buddy that had an older brother that wanted to get us both high. So we smoked out this water bong and I took one hit coughed my lungs up and said fuck that. Later on about twenty minutes later we went to sonic and I got a burger. While i was eating that burger I noticed that when I would stop chewing I thought I still was chewing. So i grabbed my tung scared I was going to bite the mother fucker off and i couldn't tell if I had swallowed or not. Let's just say I was fuckin tripping bad, but other then that I loved the feeling of being high so here I am growing it. BADASSS:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ha the first time i smoked i was with my best friend and we found about 2 oz's of weed in my basement in my dads work shop, true story! we were like what the fuck? we had never smoked before and never really wanted to until that night, we only did it cause it was funny that it was my dads weed. ha, we didnt get high :( but later that week we tried again and must have smoked like 3/4th and once our selves lol we didnt get high that time either;;; :(


Well-Known Member
ha the first time i smoked i was with my best friend and we found about 2 oz's of weed in my basement in my dads work shop, true story! we were like what the fuck? we had never smoked before and never really wanted to until that night, we only did it cause it was funny that it was my dads weed. ha, we didnt get high :( but later that week we tried again and must have smoked like 3/4th and once our selves lol we didnt get high that time either;;; :(
this happened the week before last didn't it?