Your Opinion...Is this Ready?


Well-Known Member
Looking good, but not near ready. It's hard to tell with that light -- take another pic with lights off. But from what I can see the majority of the pistils are white and still young, standing out from the bud. Depending on the strain, you want 50-80% of those to have changed color and be receding back against the bud. Also, it doesn't seem like your plant has started to fade at all. Based on the leaf structure, I'd say you have a sativa-dom plant there, and I'd guess 2-3 more weeks.

However, if you can check the trichomes, that's a better gauge -- look for the first tinge of amber (5%) and chop away!

What strain are you growing? I like the look of it...:)


Active Member
Wow, huge nugs o.o. Second pic looks like a lot of white hairs. I'd go with what krypt said. Check the trichs, and it'll give you a better answer, and you can choose to chop whenever you prefer.

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments...please give some more. The strains are Blue Mistic, Short Rider, and Jamaica Airee (my own). Peace... :weed:

Green Troll

Active Member
Buy a handheld microscope 60-100x magnification. Check for amber trichomes and if you see any, it is done. You want them to be milky white, and when they turn amber, it means it is degrading, so you see the first sign of amber, chop chop chop.

Julius Caesar

Active Member
Buy a handheld microscope 60-100x magnification. Check for amber trichomes and if you see any, it is done. You want them to be milky white, and when they turn amber, it means it is degrading, so you see the first sign of amber, chop chop chop.
It isn't that simple my friend. There are many other factors to contemplate.

Green Troll

Active Member
85% milky is a well known target. Once they start turning amber, the quality of high will degrade. It is rare to get amber trichs without the majority of them being milky. It is certainly a better guide than just looking at the buds with the naked eye and guessing. I dont think he is going to want to get scientific about it.
give it 2/3 weeks... u can use a microscope, but u will notice when the buds start to slow... i have never used a scope, grew outdoor for years and just used my common sense and eyes... loooking decent though.... bongsmilie

bird dog

Well-Known Member
I did'nt have the camera with me when I attended the tents this evening, but I did take a picture of one of the lower small buds that I plucked to dry and smoke. Can you tell anything?

July21 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
ripeness is somewhat subjective. despite the unfortunate photo - it does appear to be comfortably within the harvest window. whether or not it "needed" another week to be perfectly ripe is a story better told by either observing trichomes or taking yer sample, quickdrying it in the oven, and see what the dried flower looks like. oftentimes what looks good on the plant shrivels to disappointing proportions when dried - if you can sacrifice a small portion of yer plant to speed dry you can get a good idea of what the product will look like. at any rate it kinda looked like you had some pm going so maybe harvest is a good idea anyway

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Don't pluck your buds man just wait. It makes it that much better when your finish. FLASHBACK MY FIRST GROW EVER- I had a Blue Widow that I plucked buds off of and smoked to test. Guess what happen to her??? She went hermie on me. I say like a week after I picked popcorn bud I started seeing nanna's in my cola's. Ill never pick my babies before harvest again
I did'nt have the camera with me when I attended the tents this evening, but I did take a picture of one of the lower small buds that I plucked to dry and smoke. Can you tell anything?

View attachment 2745500


Well-Known Member you plucked a wait 5 days, pluck another one ( write all this down )......then wait another 5 days....repeat......which bud tickles your fancy? Go with that same look in the future, not everyone enjoys the same high, pick the one you like the best.

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Excellent point there greenl and that's exactly what I've been doing for the past two weeks. I'll be posting some update pictures tonight...hopefully when the lights go off at 2:00am. These cola's are thicker than my arm. In fact, you will see in the pictures that they are so heavy, I had to tie them upward. I've been flushing for over a week and giving them an actual light feeding every fourth time. I am using a 30x on them, but its so dam hard to keep it close and steady enough to pinpoint on the trichs. Where would I find an "excellent" microscope? Peace... :leaf::leaf: