Your thoughts on a longer lighting cycle in bloom? 13/11


Well-Known Member
Is the 13 the light cycle or dark?
Light cycle

I'm currently at 12 hours 20 minutes. It just happened by accident, it doesn't seem to have affected anything. I was just thinking of trying to push it up to 13 hours next time. ,


Well-Known Member
Did you do any research on the subject before asking? Because we all know(or at least should know) that the plant builds up energy during the daytime and utilizes the energy during the nights. (grows)

So having that said Why would you want a longer period of light.

I think you are over thinking the growing thing a bit much.

We are trying to mimic nature as much as possible.
Naturally nights get longer and longer. So....

In turn. You would most likely have a smaller crop.
Marijuana starts to stress out after 16 hours of light so. . .

(very controversial subject that conflicts with 24/0)

Anyone that wants to go there can ...

Let the flaming begin.


Well-Known Member
Considering the above 9 hours of harnessed energy with say 15 hours of darkness would make some resinous buds. But that's at a progressive stand point. You gotta slowly work your way down to that schedule. That schedule would be your last few weeks of flowering


Well-Known Member
Agreed for the most part. People have messed with these numbers before and had bad results. That's why is so understood that we use 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Did you do any research on the subject before asking? Because we all know(or at least should know) that the plant builds up energy during the daytime and utilizes the energy during the nights. (grows)

So having that said Why would you want a longer period of light.

I think you are over thinking the growing thing a bit much.

We are trying to mimic nature as much as possible.
Naturally nights get longer and longer. So....

In turn. You would most likely have a smaller crop.
Marijuana starts to stress out after 16 hours of light so. . .

(very controversial subject that conflicts with 24/0)

Anyone that wants to go there can ...

Let the flaming begin.
Sorry Val I didn't mean to kick the bee hive. I understand your advice, and thank you, but your delivery needs improvement (Very Condescending) I'm not a beginner by any strech of the imagination and was only looking for a few opinions. Sounds you have debated something close to this before.

BTW 18/6 veg all the way!


Active Member
light cycle does not equate to yield in anyway. it simply triggers the plants flowering cycle. that is all