You're < 6' tall, alternating veg lighting with timers to get lights < 4' from the floor for vert setup with bloom above veg without a step-ladder


Well-Known Member
Vertical grow (in planning), bloom shelving stacked above veg shelving. Although veg would have fewer lights than bloom, young plants are more vulnerable to light than blooming mature plants. So, I'm more concerned about getting veg lights < 4' from the floor than I am getting bloom lights a few inches from the canopy (considering light make, model; strains; what's been working, what hasn't).

Sure, I can use a dimmer for the youngest veg sections of the veg space. But I want to get like 3' from lights to floor on the veg space, definitely under 4'. I don't want to need a step-ladder to reach the bloom space.

Let's say you only need 2 bar lights for your veg space but you install 4. And you have 2 on at a time (e.g., lights 1 and 3; 2 and 4), rotating on/off every few hours by timer. No plants would be directly under a light 16-18 hrs/day, that's got to help a little. Right, getting closer?

I'm < 6' tall.
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