YT: WWYD (what would you do?)

Where were these slutty teachers when I was in school??? I'm not sure of exactly why I hold this double-standard, but I think there is a major difference between an older woman hitting on an underage boy, and a older man hitting on an underage girl. There seems to be a huge psychological difference regarding the two situations. Boys at that age are always thinking about, and trying to engage in, sexual activity. They seem mentally and emotionally geared toward it. Young girls, on the other hand, seem to easily be psychologically scarred by affairs with older men. I have never heard of psychological scarring of a young boy from an affair with an older woman. I was lucky enough to once have a hot babysitter that taught me how to kiss and touch a woman when I was about 12-13 yo, and to have an affair in my 20s with a hot, female boss in her 40s. To this day I am grateful for those experiences. I am not saying I am correct about this, and I'd love to hear others chime in with their opinions on this matter. Sorry for the threadjack, Vostok...

Homosexual me? ....never not a chance

my pop dropped me off to his whores daughter come 16yo

I fired my AK untll it melted

I woke next morning covered in a red rash

yipppee.... I got VD?

proud as fuck I went to the doc

to be told it was a rubbing rash!

"Where were these slutty teachers when I was in school??? I'm not sure of exactly why I hold this double-standard, but I think there is a major difference between an older woman hitting on an underage boy, and a older man hitting on an underage girl. There seems to be a huge psychological difference regarding the two situations. Boys at that age are always thinking about, and trying to engage in, sexual activity. They seem mentally and emotionally geared toward it. Young girls, on the other hand, seem to easily be psychologically scarred by affairs with older men."

Likely because a woman and her sexuality are repressed most their lives and men are told to jerk off constantly and laugh about it. Blame society for your backward thinking in that regard. Also, a lot of the reason young women tend to be scarred by older men, is because older men are fucking creepy and aggressive and often threatening. It can be consensual but I mean, when you are 13, you don't know why the fuck your vagina is bleeding let alone if you want to be fucked by a 30 year old pedophile. Also, I mean, sure as an adult you want to fuck a teacher, but you can't go back in time and put yourself in that situation and say yeah I would want to do that. I wouldn't trust you with your own life if you could honestly tell me you have the ability to mentally devolve to a fucking 13 year old you. I had hot teachers in highschool when I was 17-18, that is very different, but if a teacher tried to fuck 14 year old virgin me, then yeah I dunno, I don't think I would be into being molested by a teacher. Plenty of interviews of boys being molested by older women and having a really fucked life.

Also, your hot babysitter molested you. Sorry bout it.
The first thing i'd do is question the whole thing.I think the things people fall for can be quite silly.

In my eyes i don't feel that if that situation was real....not actors,that they would not be out in public view acting in that manner let alone speaking where others can hear.So if i was sitting across from them that shit woulda been suspect from the rip.

Part of me does want to hand over some cash for a hotel room and have the kid shoot me some pics in return.:finger:
Likely because a woman and her sexuality are repressed most their lives and men are told to jerk off constantly and laugh about it. Blame society for your backward thinking in that regard. Also, a lot of the reason young women tend to be scarred by older men, is because older men are fucking creepy and aggressive and often threatening. It can be consensual but I mean, when you are 13, you don't know why the fuck your vagina is bleeding let alone if you want to be fucked by a 30 year old pedophile. Also, I mean, sure as an adult you want to fuck a teacher, but you can't go back in time and put yourself in that situation and say yeah I would want to do that. I wouldn't trust you with your own life if you could honestly tell me you have the ability to mentally devolve to a fucking 13 year old you. I had hot teachers in highschool when I was 17-18, that is very different, but if a teacher tried to fuck 14 year old virgin me, then yeah I dunno, I don't think I would be into being molested by a teacher. Plenty of interviews of boys being molested by older women and having a really fucked life.Also, your hot babysitter molested you. Sorry bout it.

I Love You, Daddy (2017)

it should rock your boat?

funny and disturbing

stoned it was over an hour before I saw it was B/W /

good luck
Likely because a woman and her sexuality are repressed most their lives and men are told to jerk off constantly and laugh about it. Blame society for your backward thinking in that regard.

That's interesting. I really don't believe it's a societal thing. It's more nature, not nurture. No one ever told me to masturbate, I found that private pleasure on my own. I think it has to do more with the psychology of penetrating vs. being penetrated...

Also, a lot of the reason young women tend to be scarred by older men, is because older men are fucking creepy and aggressive and often threatening. It can be consensual but I mean, when you are 13, you don't know why the fuck your vagina is bleeding let alone if you want to be fucked by a 30 year old pedophile.

Good points. I'm guessing that even in situations without the aggressiveness and threats, trauma still results.

Also, I mean, sure as an adult you want to fuck a teacher, but you can't go back in time and put yourself in that situation and say yeah I would want to do that. I wouldn't trust you with your own life if you could honestly tell me you have the ability to mentally devolve to a fucking 13 year old you.

I think most of us can easily remember many of our sexual thoughts and feelings from that age, esp. when looking back on our diaries/journals of the time. I remember wanting to fuck many teachers in many different situations, I daydreamed about it a lot through puberty. You didn't???

I had hot teachers in highschool when I was 17-18, that is very different, but if a teacher tried to fuck 14 year old virgin me, then yeah I dunno, I don't think I would be into being molested by a teacher. Plenty of interviews of boys being molested by older women and having a really fucked life.

I'd like to see those interviews, where these boys have a fucked up life from sex with these older woman as the cause. If you would post a few links I'd appreciate it. Like I said, I'm not saying my perspective is correct. I'm up for looking at new data to possibly change it...

Also, your hot babysitter molested you. Sorry bout it.

I'm not, but thanks. I still fap to those awesome memories. I'm sure my boss took advantage of me, too. God bless her soul...
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Up until I was in the 6th grade all were older than my grandma.:cry:

Then there was Mrs. Nallon, hubba hubba.:P

There were some stories of extra curricular escapades between 1 teacher and a student
but nothing more than teen hormonal stories. The teacher was not so hot either.o_O