Yup I know it's been answered 1000 times, but...


This is my third grow now, I should be better at this... Are they ready yet?
What we have here are White widow autos. They're grown in Ireland in a greenhouse so we're never going to get big yields. The plants are coming up 4 months (planted begin on June).
I'm in no particular hurry, but all the pistils on one are amber/dark brown and don't want to over grow them. Any advice very gratefully received

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Hiya - thanks for this. I had probs uploading images so those are two different plants - both same age, but on one they are all white and the other seem to be all brown (unless I'm misidentifying the pistils!)
Those still look white/yellow to me personally. Towards finish the pistil will redden / brown out then recede into the calyx's and swell. Fortunately your plants still have a way to go so they should fill out quiet nicely as long as your patient and caring for them.
This is my third grow now, I should be better at this... Are they ready yet?
What we have here are White widow autos. They're grown in Ireland in a greenhouse so we're never going to get big yields. The plants are coming up 4 months (planted begin on June).
I'm in no particular hurry, but all the pistils on one are amber/dark brown and don't want to over grow them. Any advice very gratefully received

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Those fall under the not even close category. Maybe ask again in 6 weeks.
This is my third grow now, I should be better at this... Are they ready yet?
What we have here are White widow autos. They're grown in Ireland in a greenhouse so we're never going to get big yields. The plants are coming up 4 months (planted begin on June).
I'm in no particular hurry, but all the pistils on one are amber/dark brown and don't want to over grow them. Any advice very gratefully received

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Details about your greenhouse? Type? Orientation? Greenhouse covering material? Roof angle? Heat control?
Details about your greenhouse? Type? Orientation? Greenhouse covering material? Roof angle? Heat control?
Ah, now that's getting a bit complex growing purely for personal consumption, and one grow a year does me fine (vaping is amazingly efficient). So I'm after simplicity/ease over efficiency/top quality. It's a standard glass greenhouse, with no heat control. Last few autos came out well. These look well undercooked like everyone says, just surprised that the pistils are so brown on one. Maybe stress I guess.