Z Strain


Active Member
been long time since ive grown mushies fast colonizer pretty good mushies ive grown z strain b+ golden teachers and the best were equadorians best shrooms ive ever grown / used. use deep containers as oposed to shallow u will get much bigger mushies had some weigh in at almost a quarter o biggest closed cap 1 was 3 grams give or take like said been awhile but still have friends asking about the equadorians if havnt ordered i would go with eq sure someone will dissagree but these were the best for me


Undercover Mod
Growing mushrooms requires more knowledge than practice.
I just ordered Z on a whim. I read that the potency is average and its good for newbs.


Active Member
that was my first order as well the speed from colonizing to fruiting is what i was looking for and why i got that strain and they get the job done


Undercover Mod
yaaaaa! I thought things were moving along to slowly. I added more perlite and dunked and rolled all my jars again last night cause they felt dry.

Boom gotta pins everywhere today!


Undercover Mod
It's fine I had my stuff all filled out to get cambodian and i switched before I put it in the post to Z. First run so what do you reccommend?