# brown spots

  1. O

    Brown spots problem

    Hello everyone Few days ago i start to notice brown spots on my young plant leaves, it looked odd so i asked people to check it but the answer was the same “nothing to worry about, carry on” but today i noticed that the brown spots spreading to other leaves and its look odd. please if anyone...
  2. C

    Brown spots on leaves

    This plant is exactly 4 weeks into flower in coco/perlite 3 gallon being fed twice a day. Two days ago I upped the EC from ~1.175 to ~1.275. I'm using jack's with a calnite to epsom ratio of 1.4:1. I'm not sure the spots are totally new, but I hadn't noticed them until now, and they do not...
  3. C

    Does anybody know?

    Does anyone know whsts going on? It seems like I cant get an answer , the brown spots keep spreading to other leaves and destroying them and im worried for my plant. Medium is FFOF mix with 30% coco coir, water once they dry out about every 3 days, feed every second watering so about once per...
  4. C

    What is going on with this plant

    not sure what's happening you can see it better under the grow light